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What city's walls fell down?

Joshua 6:20, 26

Election '76 - Does it Make Any Difference Who Wins?
Plain Truth Magazine
March 1976
Volume: Vol XLI, No.3
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Election '76 - Does it Make Any Difference Who Wins?

Jell Calkins & Henry Sturcke 3 The race is on. With primary ballots counted in places like Dixville Notch. New Hampshire (pop. 29), the public flurry of choosing a president, lasting until next January 20, Inauguration Day, has begun. For most of us, interest in the campaign begins with the televised images of tanned men in ski parkas or overcoats tramping through the New Hampshire snows during the first of some thirty primaries to be held this year. But any serious effort for the job began months and even -years ago, as men began quietly testing and lining up support among the opinion makers, power brokers, and potential financial backers in our society.

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Plain Truth MagazineMarch 1976Vol XLI, No.3