Know The Answer?
Who built the first temple at Jerusalem?

I Kings 5:5

IN BRIEF: Italy's Red Tide
Plain Truth Magazine
June 1976
Volume: Vol XLI, No.5
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IN BRIEF: Italy's Red Tide

According to popular legend, Rome celebrated its twenty-seven hundredth birthday today. But it's not a very joyous occasion. Throughout Italy the signs of national decay are everywhere - political violence and terror, nationwide strikes, tumbling stock prices, political kidnapping, violent street crime, and corruption of the highest officials of the government. Overall hovers a generally inept and corrupt bureaucracy, incapable of pulling the nation together. Now for the first time in thirty years, Italy's formidable Communist Party may soon have an official role in the Italian government - if elections take place this June as expected.

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Plain Truth MagazineJune 1976Vol XLI, No.5