For years we associated the mob with violent ethnic groups, machine-gun massacres, illegal rum runners and concrete-lined coffins. But in the last few years the mob has grown up. Organized crime in America has undergone a radical transformation since the raucous days of Prohibition. Today many a mobster easily passes for the average man in the street. No longer is syndicated crime the relatively simple matter of cops and robbers it once was. As this article will show, the mob has managed to "civilize itself' and has now become highly interwoven into the very fabric of our society. Forget the shifty-eyed characters with wide-brimmed hats and zoot suits. Brass knuckles and pistol whippings are now passe. Chances are you could pass by a mobster in the street and never know the difference. The men of the mob have gone "legit." You're just as likely to find them in the executive suite as on the waterfront.
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