A revolution in American society threatens the foundations of the Free World. Never before in history has there been such an abundance of books, words and pictures on the subject of the "fair sex," marriage and sexuality. A visit to any library or bookstore (and especially our large university facilities) will reveal an array of titles to pique your curiosity: The Feminine Mystique, Woman in a Man-Made World, The Second Sex, The New Feminism in Twentieth Century America, On Being Female, Beyond Sex Role Stereotypes, to name a few. But it's not necessary to go any farther than the local grocery store to find the same subject matter displayed prominently on magazine covers. Or for that matter if you just stay home and listen to the radio, watch television or read the daily newspaper you will probably learn of organized attempts to help abused wives, of ways to counteract sex-role stereotyping and of new lifestyles and opportunities opening up for women.
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