Psalm 119 - Page: 93
Piano Accompaniment
Teach me in judgment and knowledge, I pray.
Although I strayed, I have turned to your ways,
And I believe Your commandments are just.
Proud men and godless besmear me with lies;
Their minds are dull and their hearts are as gross!
But I delight in Your precepts and laws;
More than with thousands in silver and gold.
Your hands have fashioned and made me, O Lord;
To understand and to learn Your commands;
Those who see me shall fear You and rejoice,
Because I trusted and hoped in Your word.
I know, O Lord, that Your judgments are right;
You did afflict me in Your faithfulness.
But now console me with Your steadfast love;
For I rely on Your mercy and love.
For Your salvation my soul does cry out;
I have become like a wineskin in smoke;
Yet do I not forget Your righteous law.
How many days must Your servant endure?
When will You judge those who, persecute me;
Those who are false and regard not Your law?
They have almost made an end of my life;
But as for me, I forsake not Your law.