Psalm 88 - Page: 68
Piano Accompaniment
Hear my humble supplication, Quickly bow Thy ear to me.
Filled with grief my soul is sighing; To the grave my life draws near,
Numbered now among the dying; Like one helpless I appear.
Free to sleep in death's dark chamber, Like the slain within the grave;
Whom Thou dost no more remember, Whom Thy hand no more shall save.
In the pit Thy hand has laid me, In the darkness and in deeps;
Sorely has Thy wrath dismayed me; O'er my soul affliction sweeps.
Mourns my eye, my powers languish, Sore affliction presses me;
Lord, I cry to Thee in anguish, Daily stretch my hands to Thee.
But, O Lord, at dawn awaking, Prayer and cries I'll send to Thee;
Why, my God, my soul forsaking, Hidest Thou Thy face from me!