Analyses Today's News, with the Prophesies of THE WORLD TOMORROW
Box 111, Pasadena, California
Publishing: The PLAIN TRUTH a Magazine of UNDERSTANDING
July 11, 1951
Dear Friends:
Again I want to send you a personal word of THANKS for your tithes and generous offerings for the work of God, and for your confidence, your loyalty and sacrifice, and your prayers for this great work. GOD BLESS YOU!
These have been strenuous days. Our task is not easy. We have been, and still are, going thru a very tight financial squeeze. This is due primarily to the fact that our most powerful station XEG, which station is listened to by about 90% of our listeners, has not been giving the same steady, powerful reception the past two years it did prior to that time. A year or more ago the station was taken over by new owners. They told me the previous owners had not been using all the power allotted to this great station, assuring me the full power would be used thru this past winter. But our reports indicate that reception was even worse, not better. Now this station is promising to add 50,000 watts more power this coming fall and winter. I believe they will.
However, I am not going to rely solely on this one station. I have arranged to start the program next fall on one of the other super-power Mexican stations, in addition to XEG. If one of these stations fails to-give good reception it will be dropped after 30 days. If both give good reception we may be able to continue every night on both. I wish you would try tuning in on two of the stations I have in mind — XELO, 800 on the dial, and XERF, 1570 on the dial (extreme top of dial), and write and tell me how the reception is — how it compares with XEG (at 1050), — and which of these stations comes in strongest and clearest where you live. Will you do that for me? It will help the work.
Because of this poor reception our mail has fallen off a great deal. I want you to know that it is only thru the loyalty and sacrifice of real co-workers like you that we have been able to keep this great work alive. PLEASE PRAY WITH ME FOR THE WORK. We must put our whole hearts into our prayers, and ask God to remove these barriers, and clear the way for His Message to go out in multiplied power this coming fall and winter. It is going to be a most severe test of faith until then. I know you and our other co-workers will each realize your own personal responsibility, with me, in keeping this work alive week by week and month by month. Two baptizing teams have been out these past few weeks, and others of our upper-class students are out in the active ministry this summer. I hope to have another issue of The PLAIN TRUTH off the press in a couple weeks. WE MUST CARRY ON at any sacrifice. God bless you for your faithfulness. A great harvest of souls is being reaped this summer. Our labor and our prayers and our dollars are working together to make it possible. Again, THANK YOU, and let me hear from you.