April 01, 1954  
April 01, 1954 - Brethren & Co-Workers Letter
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Herbert W Armstrong    |   Remove Highlight



Proclaim to the World the GOOD NEWS OF THE WORLD TOMORROW

BOX 111, Pasadena, California

Publishing: The PLAIN TRUTH a Magazine of UNDERSTANDING

April 1, 1954

Dear Brethren in Christ:

   This is final and last-minute instruction about coming to the great Passover Festival and days of unleavened bread, at our Tabernacle near Gladewater, Texas.

   Of course those living near Pasadena will meet here at the college for the Passover and holyday meetings; those near Portland or Eugene, Oregon, or Tacoma, Washington, will meet with the brethren at those points. All others should try to come to the big Tabernacle in Texas.

   God willing, Mrs. Armstrong and I are planning to be at the Tabernacle for the entire eight days — including the 7 days of the Festival of Unleavened Bread following the Passover. Our son Garner Ted, and wife and baby, plan to go with us, and we shall also have Eld. Marion McNair, who is pastor of the church and principal of the school in the Tabernacle.

   The Passover this year is Friday night, April 16, after sunset, at 7:30. It is the most solemn occasion of the year. Unless prevented by serious illness, or otherwise absolutely prevented, God COMMANDS our presence without fail. It is obligatory. God will not accept excuses. The second tithe is for this purpose. If prevented from coming, write for directions for taking Passover at home.

   The following evening, after sunset Saturday, April 17th, is THE FEAST which begins the seven-day festival of Unleavened bread. This feast will be held at the Tabernacle. The following day, Sunday April 18th, continues the first annual high Sabbath of God, and there will be services in the Tabernacle morning and afternoon. While it is not made obligatory by God that everyone remain thru the entire 8 days, we urge all who possibly can to plan to do so. There will be services held twice each day for the entire 8 days, including the second annual Sabbath which falls this year on the weekly Sabbath. There will be preaching, question-and- answer periods, and wonderful fellowship.

   MEALS will be served, as usual, at cost, at the Tabernacle. But you will have to obtain your own motel or hotel accommodations, as heretofore. We hope that next year, during 1955, we can proceed with the erection of the housing project of sleeping booths on the grounds, but we shall not be able to do any work on this during the present year.

   Due to the tremendous increase in expense of sending out the broadcast over the great major ABC radio net-work, and the super-power stations in other parts of the world, and the increase in size (and therefore expense) of Ambassador College, we have not been able to do ANY further work on the big Tabernacle since the Feast of Tabernacles last fall, except what little Bro. Hammer and a few other brethren there have been able to do themselves. We have not even as yet been able to finish paying off the current indebtedness for the rush work done the few weeks prior to the Feast of Tabernacles. NEVER have we had such a tight squeeze, financially, as we are now having in the struggle to hold on to this great net-work program until enough NEW listeners from it become co-workers to help us carry the financial burden. BUT WE ARE REACHING TWICE AS MANY PEOPLE in the United States, besides millions more in foreign lands around the world!

   God's opening these great doors to send His Message out world wide, and the sudden awakening to the FANTASTIC DANGER of the hydrogen bomb, and the terrifying new poison gasses, means just one thing — -THE END OF THIS WORLD IS A LOT CLOSER THAN WE THOUGHT — - it's later than we thought! We have little time left to complete the task God has given us.

   DIRECTIONS for finding the Tabernacle: The Tabernacle grounds are just off the Highway #80, 8 miles west of Gladewater, 2 miles east of Big Sandy (about 100 miles east of Dallas). At this point beside our private road leading to the Tabernacle, you will see our sign: "PRIVATE GROUNDS, Radio Church of God Tabernacle," beside the cabins and restaurant at this little junction. Those who come by train or bus can get taxi service at Gladewater, possibly at Big Sandy, or if by bus it's possible the driver would let you off at the grounds — tho it would be better to first go to a hotel in Gladewater or Big Sandy. There are a few cabins beside the grounds on the highway, but unless you make reservations they probably will be filled. There are motels on both sides of, and in Gladewater and others on the highway near Longview, and a good hotel at Longview, about 20 miles from the Tabernacle. The better motels, first class, cost $5 to $8 per day for two people, and other cabins, not so nice, cost less. Hotel Longview rates, a strictly first class hotel, are, if they have not changed from last year, $4 to $6 single, and $6 to $8 double. I ADVISE PLANNING TO ARRIVE EARLY, so you can find sleeping accommodations. We have no facilities for making reservations for you. Evening meal will be served at the Tabernacle on Friday evening before the Passover, at 5:PM.

   Keep PRAYING EARNESTLY for the financing of the work, and I shall look forward to seeing you at the Tabernacle.

Sincerely, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong

Publication Date: April 01, 1954
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