July 30, 1957  
July 30, 1957 - Brethren & Co-Workers Letter
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Herbert W Armstrong 



Broadcasting The WORLD TOMORROW
Publishers of The PLAIN TRUTH

July 30, 1957


Dear Brethren:

   I am leaving in a few moments for Gladewater, to supervise the laying of the foundation for the new Tabernacle. But before I do, I must get off a short letter to you to tell you of the situation.

   Due to the crisis caused by our former advertising agency, I was forced to hold up all funds sent in for the Tabernacle for two months. Also, I had to feel sure the SPECIAL funds for the Tabernacle would continue to come in month after month, before giving the final GO-AHEAD signal to start the building.

   About the 10th of this month the way seemed c]ear. I have made an arrangement with the Behlen Mfg. Co. of Columbus, Nebraska, for paying for this new larger aluminized-steel Tabernacle on the following basis:

   $10,000 on the 10th of May, then $10,000 on the 10th of each month except October, when we must raise a $25,000 payment during the Festival. Then continuing, $10,000 on the 10th of each month until paid for.

   On the 10th of this month I called them on long distance telephone, made sure we had not lost out on the dates of erecting, and there-upon sent them $20,000, being the payments for May and June, and arranged for making the July payment on June 25th. This payment was also sent them on that date. We have, therefore. paid $30,000 on the new Tabernacle to date. Work is to start immediately. I am to meet the contractor in charge of erecting the structure on the grounds next Wednesday, when work will start.

   We have had to change the location of the Tabernacle from the place originally planned. This makes necessary the addition of men's and women's rest rooms, which were not included in the original plans and cost estimates. This will increase the cost by a few thousand dollars. They guarantee to have the Tabernacle ready before the festival.

   Brethren I know you will all rejoice that this work is going ahead. BUT — our members seemed to have LAID DOWN ON THE JOB! The special offerings for this building fund have dropped off to less than one fourth of the amount needed each month! WHAT SHALL I DO? — Shall I now STOP all work, and lose the $30,000 already paid? WORK CANNOT PROCEED UNLESS YOU BRETHREN GET BACK ON THE JOB DOING YOUR PART. If you quit, we have to quit building! REMEMBER — we have to put forth EXTRA effort — make EXTRA sacrifices! These special offerings must be IN ADDITION to regular tithes and offerings, which must go for radio bills, college bills, and ministry expenses.

   After my last letter, two months ago, these special EXTRA offerings for the Tabernacle fund continued some two or three weeks according to quota. Then they began to drop off.

   PLEASE DON'T GET TO THINKING WE DON'T NEED THE MONEY ANY LONGER, UNLESS I KEEP PRODDING ALL OF YOU WITH LETTERS! We shall need to keep up this quota for the Building Fund at least until next January or February. Meanwhile, I have had to COMPLETELY STOP all work on remodeling our new office building, and the new classroom building on the campus, Ambassador Hall. WE WILL NOT BE ABLE TO USE THEM AT THE BEGINNING OF THE FALL TERM OF SCHOOL. But we MUST begin work on them as soon as the Tabernacle is completed, for we have outgrown our facilities here at college just as much as we have over at Gladewater. So we shall need these special BUILDING FUND offerings every week — every month — on into next spring or summer!

   Today, just before starting for Texas, I have been going over student applications for enrollment this fall in Ambassador College. We will be taking in our BIGGEST FRESHMAN CLASS SO FAR. We now have 32 men and 22 girls either fully or conditionally accepted. We can still accept a few more girl students. ANY GIRLS EXPECTING TO COME SHOULD RUSH THEIR APPLICATION BLANKS TO THE REGISTRAR'S OFFICE — or write air-mail at once for application blanks if they do not already have them.

   EVERY PHASE OF THIS WORK IS GROWING — but we DO need a still bigger increase in funds for the work. BRETHREN, PLEASE PRAY THAT GOD WILL PROSPER OUR MEMBERS AND CO-WORKERS, AND THEN MOVE THEIR HEARTS TO GIVE MORE! Let's all get back of this with ENTHUSIASM and ZEAL! God is blessing the work abundantly. Scores are being baptized this summer! Let's try harder to do OUR part. Don't forget to pray for Dr. Meredith in his great loss of his wife. I know all your hearts go out to him, as do ours here. PRAY FOR ONE ANOTHER! PRAY FOR THE WORK!

With much love, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong

Publication Date: July 30, 1957
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