Broadcasting The WORLD TOMORROW Publishers of The PLAIN TRUTH
May 19, 1958
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:
Greetings, in Jesus' name! We're sending you this special letter to announce the plans for holding services on the Day of Pentecost.
Pentecost this year will be observed on Monday, the 26th of May. Services will be held as usual at the local congregations, with any special arrangements being made by the various ministers. If any of you live near enough to the local Churches in various localities, you should contact the pastor in charge for the time and place of meetings.
All who are able are urged to attend the services at the Tabernacle near Gladewater, Texas. There will be services held for three days at the Tabernacle, beginning with a service Friday night the 23rd, followed by all-day meetings on the weekly Sabbath the 24th, on Sunday, the 25th, and on the Day of Pentecost, Monday. the 26th of May.
Mr. Herman Hoeh and Mr. Kenneth Swisher, both ordained ministers, will be at the Tabernacle to bring the messages during the three-day meetings.
DIRECTIONS for finding the Tabernacle: For those of you who have not attended Holy Day meetings at the Tabernacle before, it is just off Highway 80, which is the main east-west highway between Shreveport and Dallas. The private road, leading to the Tabernacle grounds is approximately 2 miles east of Big Sandy, Texas, and 9 miles west of Gladewater, Texas. There are small auto courts, called "Tuck's", and a service station just at the entrance. The road is marked with our own sign reading: "Private Grounds, Radio Church of God Tabernacle."
As you should plan to remain the entire three days, you should make arrangements for a place to stay. Bring either a tent to pitch on the Tabernacle Grounds, or a trailer house, or you may stay in any one of the numerous motels which are located along the highways. There are enough motels within easy driving distance of the Tabernacle to accommodate everyone attending the services during the season of Pentecost, with the average motel charges of 5 to 8 dollars per day. There are some others which are slightly less expensive in the area as well.
Meals will be served at the Tabernacle for the nominal "at- cost" charge, as usual. There will be a meal served Friday evening, the 23rd of May.
Mr. Roderick C. Meredith and Mr. Carlton Smith will also hold three-day services this year in Longmont, Colorado, for all the brethren in that area, or for those in the Pacific Northwest and Mountain States. The services will be held on the site of a possible future Radio Church of God Tabernacle, near Lyons, Colorado, providing adverse weather conditions do not prohibit. An alternate location will be selected if such weather prevents our holding the meeting where planned. Therefore, if you find that the meeting is not held here call Mr. Carlton Smith, telephone Taylor 3-6310, Lyons, and he will notify you of the changes.
LOCATION: Longmont is approximately 32 miles north of Denver on Highway 287. To get to the site where the meetings will be held, drive through the town of Lyons. There will be a sign directing you to Lyons from Longmont. At the west end of Lyons the highway divides to the right and to the left. Take the highway to the right, No. 66 (also called the North St. Vrain Highway) which goes toward Estes Park. Follow this highway 8 miles beyond Lyons, and on your right hand side, you'll see a sign reading: "The Websters "and/or" Radio Church of God." Turn in the driveway there, and follow it back about one mile.
Cabins may be rented in Longmont, Lyons, or Estes Park. Cabin rates are not generally higher than elsewhere. Try to obtain a cabin in which you can prepare your morning and evening meals, or, of course, you may plan to eat in restaurants during your stay there.
Dishwashing and cooking cannot be permitted on the grounds themselves, if you plan to pitch a tent or bring a trailer house. There are no buildings on the site—but services will be held under a large tent erected for that purpose. The only meal served will be a "Pot Luck" lunch for the noon meal on the day of Pentecost. Please bring what you can for this meal. What you bring will be put with what others bring and be served as the physical feast.
There is ample drinking water, and outdoor toilets have been constructed. Those attending services near Lyons will be "roughing it" to some degree, but a great spiritual feast is anticipated out under the clear sky on a mountainside in Colorado, next to God's creation!
Remember, the day of Pentecost is one of God's annual Holy Days! He commands us to observe it, to congregate wherever He designates through His Church, and to receive the great spiritual blessing of fellowship with others He has called at this time, and to hear inspired messages of hope and joy from God's called and chosen servants. DO YOUR UTMOST to attend services on the Day of Pentecost, the anniversary of the establishing of God's true Church! God commands our presence! You'll receive a real blessing from God for obeying His commands.
If you have any special questions concerning the Day of Pentecost, please call long distance to the Pastor of the Church you're going to attend, or to the Headquarters in Pasadena immediately.