Proclaim to the World the GOOD NEWS OF THE WORLD TOMORROW
BOX 111, Pasadena, California
Publishing: The PLAIN TRUTH a Magazine of UNDERSTANDING
October 28, 1958
Dear Co-Workers with Christ:
This may have to be the shortest letter I have ever written you.
Here we are approaching another difficult "Christmas" season—world events speedily HURLING this world to its END—the precious WORK OF GOD multiplying in power and scope around the world—AND YET THE INCOME TO KEEP ALIVE THIS GREAT AND WONDERFUL WORK IS LAGGING BEHIND AGAIN!
This throws the greatest activity on earth into an emergency again. I cannot even take time for a longer letter. I must RUSH this URGENT NEWS of the situation to you with all speed. I must ask all who can to try to send a little EXTRA over your usual tithe and offering—and if possible by AIR MAIL so it will reach us quickly.
We DARE NOT let down for one minute on the precious work of God. It seems that both unseen and visible forces are combining to work against the powerful proclamation of the VERY SAME GOSPEL GOD SENT TO MANKIND BY JESUS CHRIST! We are meeting opposition and persecution as never before. But GOD'S WORK MUST PLUNGE ON— FASTER, AND IN GREATER POWER!
I do want to take time to say the November PLAIN TRUTH has had to be delayed but will be off the press in a day or two—a new, LARGER PLAIN TRUTH, with the first installment of that long-awaited Bible-story book for children—children from five to a hundred and five! I had thought of saying from five to ninety-five—but my own mother is approaching ninety-three and I know she will still find it interesting after she passes ninety-five, so I include children up to one hundred and five. IT IS INTENSELY INTERESTING TO ADULTS —people of all ages.
This is a GREAT NEW ADDITION AND ADVANCE in God's great work!
This world is getting set for its final plunge to its END! Soon Christ will come in all His supreme POWER and GLORY to rule all nations—to bring us world PEACE—to usher in the happy WORLD TOMORROW! But first, world conditions will become so terrible and violent that, unless God intervenes, not a single human would be left alive! TIME IS SHORT. WE MUST PLUNGE AHEAD WITH ACCELERATED POWER in warning this nation and proclaiming this TRUE Gospel of God's Kingdom BEFORE THE DARKNESS DESCENDS UPON EARTH WHEN THERE SHALL BE A FAMINE OF HEARING THE GOSPEL!
God's work must be RESCUED FROM THIS TEMPORARY SLUMP IN RECEIPT OF FUNDS—due largely, I believe, to the fact this letter is late in arriving. PRAY OVER IT—see if you can't arrange to send right now a little LARGER amount than usual. PRAY EARNESTLY WITH ME that God lay His burden so heavily on so many hearts that every need shall be promptly met! The need is very URGENT! ACT! Do all you can! God bless you!
With gratitude in JESUS' name, Herbert W. Armstrong