June 30, 1960  
June 30, 1960 - Brethren & Co-Workers Letter
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Herbert W Armstrong 



Proclaim to the World the GOOD NEWS OF THE WORLD TOMORROW

Box 111, Pasadena, Calif. 91109

Publishing: The PLAIN TRUTH a Magazine of UNDERSTANDING

LONDON, June 30, 1960

Dear Co-Workers with Christ:

   I am enclosing a copy of my semi-annual letter to all readers of The PLAIN TRUTH. I want you, also, to have the vital information I have written in this letter, and now I must also appraise you of the continuing desperate financial need._

   As you probably know, only a very small part of the 250,000 copies of The PLAIN TRUTH—probably read by nearly a million people —go to those who are Co-Workers, supporting this great work with their tithes and offerings.

   This small family of us who are Co-Workers with Christ in His work, preparing the way for His glorious coming to establish World Government and PEACE, have as our responsibility the entire financial support of this great and fast-expanding world-wide activity.

   I'm sure you know that we never ask the public for money or financial support over the air. There is no subscription price on The PLAIN TRUTH. It carries no advertising to bring revenue. All our Gospel literature goes out FREE. There is no follow-up. There is only the very brief EXPLANATION, in this semi-annual letter, that the entire work is financed only by the voluntary contributions and tithes of Co-Workers—but even this is not a request for contributions. There is no tuition charge for the Bible Correspondence Course—with over 25,000 active students who have passed the tests every four months with a grade above 70.

   Do you realize, dear Co-Workers, it is YOUR sacrifice and generosity in being faithful in paying God's tithes, and liberal in special offerings besides, that makes all this possible? Today God's Message is thundered to the world—over all six continents— through more than TEN MILLION WATTS OF RADIO POWER EVERY WEEK! Ordinary stations put out only 100, or 500, or 1,000, or 5,000 watts of power. The most powerful allowed in the United States is 50,000 watts. Think what a POWERFUL VOICE God has opened to us, with a total of TEN MILLION watts per week!

   But right now this all-important work is in a really precarious financial condition. We are having a mighty tight squeeze to keep going. These are the lean summer months. Many Co- Workers are not able to get good radio reception during these warm months. This causes many to let down, and the income then drops down. As I wrote before, we are still in a serious emergency.

   CAN YOU TRY TO INCREASE THE AMOUNT YOU SEND RIGHT NOW? We still are in desperate and urgent need of life-time loans, or even shorter term loans. NEVER were even widows' mites more needed. THANK YOU, and GOD BLESS YOU for a generous response—air mail if possible.

With love, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong

Publication Date: June 30, 1960
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