Proclaim to the World the GOOD NEWS OF THE WORLD TOMORROW
Box 111, Pasadena, Calif. 91109
Publishing: The PLAIN TRUTH a Magazine of UNDERSTANDING
April 10, 1962
Dear Co-Workers with Christ:
Mrs. Armstrong and I are at sea, entering the English Channel, due to arrive at Southampton, England, this afternoon—- returning again to the new Ambassador College in Bricket Wood, England, just outside London.
I must tell you of new developments that have arisen suddenly in God's work. I must telephone this letter by trans-atlantic telephone as soon as we land in England so that it can be copied and mailed to you from our Pasadena, California, office at once.
Here are the important developments of the moment. Gradually, continually, God opens new radio doors around the world. We had two days in New York. Our Los Angeles advertising agent, through whom we purchase all radio time in the United States, was there, and also our auditor and financial advisor, Mr. Stanley Rader. We had three momentous conferences in New York.
One opened up SIX additional very important stations outside the United States, around the world—-increasing our world wide coverage materially. This includes the station at Guam—-I believe the only station there, one at Jamaica which is expected to bring heavy listener-response, one at Liberia and one at Nigeria on the west coast of Africa, a station at Singapore, and one at Hong Kong on the China mainland.
We are starting four broadcasts a week in JERUSALEM! That, in many ways is the most important addition in a long time. There are two half-hour programs a week in English, and two fifteen-minute programs in French.
On the world's greatest, most powerful radio station, Radio Luxembourg, we are now broadcasting at the prime listening time of 7:00 P.M. Monday and Tuesday nights, and prospects are looking better now for a reasonable early time six nights a week. Reports from England are that the 7:00 P.M. reception is loud and clear.
A development in New York may, at last, (we hope and pray), open time at a good hour on 50,000-watt WCFL in Chicago. That station is our greatest need right now. Progress was made toward opening up the powerful WOR in New York. Mr. M. B. Scott, our advertising agent, came on board briefly to see us off at the pier in New York, but had to hurry ashore for a conference with the new manager of station WABC in New York—-the headquarters ABC Network station. We were on that station for a few years. If an earlier time than we had before should open, before WOR does, it would be an important improvement.
A third conference in New York opened up a most desirable prime time on the number one station in western Michigan, at Grand Rapids. It starts April 15.
There have been vitally-important property-acquisition developments! Until these three or four new deals are closed, I am not at liberty to describe them, except to say that these are absolutely VITAL to the future of Ambassador College in Pasadena. We have not needed them until now—-yet, to lose them would simply RUIN the future of Ambassador College. Suddenly these properties have gone on the market. That means that we must buy them now, or probably lose them forever. They suddenly went on the market just at the time when possession of them is a MUST before we can open the next school year, this coming September!!! That is the way God has directed things all along—-time after time—-opening things to us just when needed—-never before—-never too late.
Now all these things put real heavy additional pressure on our budget. We simply have to raise additional funds, immediately, and in fairly large amounts. The additional amount imperatively needed at this time is many thousands of dollars. A few years ago this would have been an insurmountable obstacle, but God's work has continued to grow, at the continuous rate of 30% every year for 28 years—-and today we do have enough of us who are faithful co-workers that I know we can raise it, IF WE WILL REALIZE THIS SERIOUS AND IMPERATIVE NEED, AND EVERYONE OF US GET UNDER THE BURDEN AND PUT OUR SHOULDERS TO THE WHEEL!
Once again I am going to have to ask each one to make a sacrifice for this suddenly arisen emergency!
I have not asked for additional loans for some little time now. In the past, some of our co-workers who felt unable to give it, at least for the time being, but who had one or several- thousand dollars that they could loan God's work for one or more years, have helped the work very materially in this way. So now I feel I must again ask all who could put larger amounts at the disposal of God's work for a certain period letting it be WORKING FOR GOD in the meantime, if you are not able to make it an outright contribution (which is of course tax deductible), to send it in as a loan.
There is no other place on earth where every dollar works as hard, and accomplishes as much good, that I know of. Beside at the time having to invest in the acquisition of property necessary to carry on the work (and we continually increase the value of all such properties)—-beside training and educating more than 400 fine young people—-future leaders in this work—-and the future WORLD- LEADERS in the WORLD TOMORROW—-beside teaching and instructing more than SIXTY-THOUSAND students through the Ambassador College Bible Correspondence Course—-beside getting the Plain Truth every month into the hands of ONE MILLION people and sending out TONS of other free literature beside—-beside ministering in person to thousands by fine young ordained ministers trained in our colleges, EVERY DOLLAR contributes its part to all of this and reaches approximately two-hundred people by radio broadcast with the very gospel that Jesus taught! You could not reach but a part of that two-hundred by postal cards for a dollar! Yes, and we send a full two-page message into some TWO MILLION homes in Reader's Digest beside!
It is hard to believe! Yet every dollar that you put into this work gets the precious gospel to some two hundred people by radio, around the world—-and contributes its part in all these other activities in God's precious work besides!
And right now there is SERIOUS NEED for a united effort of ALL OF US—-everyone—-to contribute between us several thousand extra dollars during the next month! Actually it is a GLORIOUS PRIVILEGE! Let us respond to our UTMOST!