May 22, 1963  
May 22, 1963 - Brethren & Co-Workers Letter
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Herbert W Armstrong    |   Remove Highlight



Proclaim to the World the GOOD NEWS OF THE WORLD TOMORROW

Box 111, Pasadena, Calif. 91109

Publishing: The PLAIN TRUTH a Magazine of UNDERSTANDING

Written from Ambassador College, St. Albans, near London, England

May 22, 1963

Dear Co-Workers with Christ:

   Again I am writing you from Ambassador College in England. Mrs. Armstrong and I expect to be here for the remainder of the present school year.

   Everywhere in the world events are moving faster and faster toward the final CLIMAX of VIOLENCE and DESTRUCTION!

   Our days for WARNING this world—for proclaiming the advance GOOD NEWS of the peaceful WORLD TOMORROW—are growing shorter and shorter.

   But the living Jesus Christ is directing, guiding, and empowering this great work of God. And He is speeding up this work, keeping pace with the momentum of violence and under-cover PLANS FOR THE FINAL WAR OF HUMANITY! We must CONTINUE to keep pace! It is, I repeat, much later than we think!

   But here is BIG NEWS!

   More and more people are RECEIVING Christ's last Message of this age—not only accepting Jesus Christ as personal Saviour, but believing HIS GOSPEL, repenting of their disobedience to GOD—their SINS—and requesting baptism. Many HUNDREDS have written me within the past two months alone, requesting baptism as soon as possible. Approximately 500 requests a week were coming in from all over the United States. Other hundreds were coming to our offices around the world—here in England; Duesseldorf, Germany; in Paris, France; in Johannesburg, South Africa; in Sydney, Australia; in Manila, the Philippines; in Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

   Soon now, qualified baptizing teams, trained at AMBASSADOR COLLEGES, will be touring all over the United States, the British Isles, Europe, Australia and New Zealand, Africa, the Philippines, South America—the WORLD AROUND)! They will personally counsel with these people. Those who are found really yielded to God, repentant, and having real FAITH in Jesus, will be baptized during the summer.

   God is giving us the biggest harvest ever!

   Everywhere around the world GOD'S WORK IS GROWING!

   Already Mr. Dibar Apartian, Director of the French Work, and the voice of the French WORLD TOMORROW program, is in Paris arranging for the opening of offices there. I had previously announced the leasing of offices in Geneva. The instructions had already been mailed to Geneva for the leasing of the office suite and then facts came to light which made it necessary to wire cancellation, and plan to open the office in Paris instead. Many in France are awaiting baptism.

   And here's REALLY BIG NEWS! The first edition the new FRENCH-language PLAIN TRUTH magazine is already printed—the June, 1963 number! It starts out with a circulation of more than 5,000 subscribers—all of whom have ordered their own subscription (even though no subscription price). Now The PLAIN TRUTH in published in THREE languages—the three English editions, beside the German edition and now, the French edition!

   The Work in Germany is simply BOOMING! By the thousands, people in Germany are turning to God's TRUTH!

   Our days of this freedom to broadcast and publish Christ's Gospel in these countries in NUMBERED. I hope we may have another four or five years. But WE HAVE NO TIME TO LOSE!

   Progress is being made toward getting the broadcast into JAPAN! Also into SPAIN! Somehow, ITALY must be reached—also the Arab countries of the middle-east. WE STILL HAVE MUCH TO DO. And it is getting LATE! Freedom to proclaim Christ's TRUTH will be gone, over most of the world, in a very few years!

   I have written you about our AUSTERE YEAR, on which I found it necessary to embark some two months ago. Some of you MISUNDERSTOOD! Let me MAKE IT CLEAR! God's Work is NOT GOING BACKWARD!—NEVER! The actual GOSPEL WORK is going FORWARD faster than ever before! We are not making any cuts that would actually slow the Work.

   But THIS is what we are doing! We are cutting every waste effort or unnecessary expenditure we can. We are continuing to add more radio stations—but, (for this one year) not as rapidly as we had been doing. We are cancelling out some radio stations that have not proved productive and apparently were not being listened to by as many others.

   This latter fact is one reason it is IMPORTANT that you ALWAYS write down the call-letters of the station on which you most often hear The WORLD TOMORROW. If you fail to tell us (in EVERY letter—with every remittance) then our records will indicate that this station is not reaching many listeners—and we may cut it off.

   I did write you two months ago that we had POSTPONED the opening of the third Ambassador College, in Texas, for one year. That was because of this austerity year. But we feel that will not slow down the actual proclaiming of the Gospel—as long as it is for only one year. And another reason is that we are simply FORCED to continue a BUILDING PROGRAM at both Pasadena, and at the college in England—OR ELSE TAKE IN NO ADDITIONAL STUDENTS next school year!

   Here in England we are now trying to feed 110 students in one ordinary-size family dining room—designed for only one small family! So we are proceeding right along to complete the new dining hall, which was started last year. We have no place for additional incoming new students to sleep the next school year. So we are continuing the work of remodeling the "Clock Horse Stables," converting them into a new dormitory to house 150 men.

   We are having to enlarge our office space, and space for our printing department here, to take care of the constantly increasing mail from listeners requesting literature.

   The Work CANNOT GROW unless the colleges continue to turn out an INCREASING number of graduates every year. This great Work now encompasses THE WHOLE WORLD. It now requires the full time work of HUNDREDS of trained men and women. It now reaches MILLIONS of people every week—our estimate is at least 22 million!

   We are spending NO MONEY for just "beautifying" our college properties that is not absolutely NECESSARY for the functioning of the colleges. Our colleges are outstandingly BEAUTIFUL multi-millionaires built these fabulous estates that way at THEIR expense. Then these magnificently-landscaped properties came to us at a tiny fraction of their original cost.

   For example, you could not, today, even buy the fine and imposing iron fence and gates around Ambassador Hall on the Pasadena campus for the price we paid for the whole fabulous estate! This entire central college campus with all its buildings here in England was purchased for LESS than was formerly paid for just ONE single-family house-and-lot which is now part of Ambassador College in Pasadena, and in which one of our professors and his family now lives.

   But we are certainly not letting these fine properties go to weeds and ruin. God commanded Adam to DRESS AND KEEP the Garden of Eden, not let it run down and go to weeds. We do work hard to properly MAINTAIN what God has seen fit to entrust into our hands. HE WILL HOLD US ACCOUNTABLE for how well we take care of what He gives us!

   The BUILDING PROGRAM MUST GO ON, or the WORK cannot grow! Our building program has been costing only a small portion of the total expenditures for God's Work—between 2% and 3%. It would be penny-wise and pound foolish to cut this off. Rather, we are making BIG cuts in the two BIGGEST items of expense. This enables us to continue right on with the NECESSARY building program, and still REDUCE EXPENSES, while at the same time INCREASING AND EXPANDING THE WORK ITSELF! God's Work MUST continue to GROW its normal 30% even during this austere year! This does take CAREFUL PLANNING, and SOUND MANAGEMENT!

   I'm overjoyed to report to you that we are now beginning to make noticeable PROGRESS in getting the Work into better financial position. This austere year is just BEGINNING to show results! But our business office is STILL IN A VERY TIGHT SQUEEZE. It is not an austere MONTH—it is an austere YEAR—and may have to be for TWO years!

   So, while in our business office we "tighten our belts"— making every possible cut in expenses while driving the Work ahead even faster—I have to ask all our Co-Workers to "tighten your belts" too, for we must INCREASE, not decrease, the income for God's precious Work.

   Some Co-Workers, on hearing of our austere year program, and postponing the college in Texas for a year, thought we were stopping the building program. So they stopped sending in their EXTRA and SPECIAL offerings for the BUILDING FUND.

   The BUILDING FUND MUST NOT STOP! As I have explained, God's WORK around the whole world cannot continue to grow—cannot fulfill its Mission—unless we continue to graduate an increasingly large number of college students each year. And the colleges cannot continue to grow without more buildings—increasing facilities!

   So please KEEP UP the additional special offerings for the BUILDING FUND! We are trying to finance all or most of the building from this special fund, leaving regular tithes and offerings for regular operational expenditures for THE WORK!

   We can never slacken! The NEED is still URGENT! Every widow's mite is helpful and needed! Your regular TITHES, and your regular offerings are needed! Your gifts of larger amounts, even into the thousands, are needed! And still there is need of loans of large sums, if you cannot GIVE such sums now, but could let them be working under Christ's directions in HIS WORK. This NEED is continuous!

   THANK YOU, dear fellow-Workers with Christ! God IS blessing His great Work more abundantly than ever—giving us a rich harvest! And He is blessing YOU!

With sincere love, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong

Publication Date: May 22, 1963
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