April 19, 1965  
April 19, 1965 - Brethren & Co-Workers Letter
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Herbert W Armstrong 



Proclaim to the World the GOOD NEWS OF THE WORLD TOMORROW

Box 111, Pasadena, Calif. 91109

Publishing: The PLAIN TRUTH a Magazine of UNDERSTANDING

April 19, 1965

Dear Co-Workers with CHRIST:

   Here we are, already deep into the year 1965! It's a most crucial year in world events—and a CRISIS YEAR in the WORK OF GOD!

   Americans could realize what's going on under cover in Europe, preparing the way for political, military, and religious UNION—resurrecting THE ROMAN EMPIRE as a world-power greater even than the U.S.A.—they would be appalled—frightened! World events are speeding faster and faster toward the WORLD-CLIMAX—toward the END OF THE WORLD! But that also means—JOYFULLY!!!—the hastening of the WORLD TOMORROW—the God-governed world of peace, prosperity and happiness!

   At the same time, GOD'S WORK is constantly stepping up the pace, forward! It must, if this great Work is to be finished in time. 1965 is the BIG year—by far the biggest yet—in this dynamic activity guided, directed and prospered by the living JESUS CHRIST.

   STOP AND THINK! Can you realize these things? CAN YOU?

   Think of it! YOU, as well as I, are actually an active Co-Worker with the living glorified Christ, in the present Work on earth of our Father, Almighty GOD! Jesus Christ—now glorified— now exercising all the supreme POWER of the Creator and Ruler of the vast Universe—the Christ of all POWER! He is the Head of this Work! You and I are privileged to be Co-Workers with Him!

   You know, of course, that this is a worldwide Work. But STOP AND THINK! Do you fully realize it?

   28 MILLION PEOPLE are now hearing Christ's Message every week over The WORLD TOMORROW radio program! It's now the biggest, most listened-to radio program on earth!

   Do you really grasp this: When it's early morning here in America or Canada, it is 6:00 p.m. on the other side of the earth, IN COMMUNIST CHINA! It's Wednesday evening over there, let us say. In a humble Chinese home, three or four trusted neighbors had just come in. One is posted at the window to watch. The WORLD TOMORROW program is just coming in over Chiang Kai-Shek's superpower Radio Taiwan on Formosa, If they are caught listening, it will go hard with them—they might even be shot. They will be listening—and watching—again on Friday evening at 6:00—and every Wednesday and Friday evening—to the precious Message of Jesus Christ in atheistic Red China! This same thing is going on in thousands of other mainland Chinese homes: TWICE EVERY WEEK! Did you realize it?

   Over on Formosa—in Nationalist FREE China—many thousands tune in every Wednesday and Friday evening at the prime listening time of 6:00 p.m. to the FIVE stations in various parts of the island, on the Radio Taiwan Network. Did you realize it? Your tithes and offerings help reach these soul-hungry people with Christ's heart-warming Message of HOPE and offer of ETERNAL LIFE! Yes, YOU are helping do this!

   And did you fully realize it? Over the Philippine Islands, the national Network of EIGHT STATIONS thunders this same dynamic Message to all parts of the Islands weekly—and the giant 50,000- watt Manila station, DZAQ, at the most-powerful dial spot of 620, covers the vast population EVERY NIGHT—seven nights a week—at the PRIME listening time of 8:30 p.m.

   Not only that, Christ's irresistible Message goes out every month also in a large-size FULL PAGE of advertising space in the leading Philippine magazine—the Philippine counterpart of LIFE magazine in the U.S.A.

   And to receive the constant heavy response of mail asking for The PLAIN TRUTH and free literature, we maintain a well-staffed office in Manila, serving in a personal way many thousands all over the Philippines. We even have two ordained ministers stationed there to counsel with people who request it, baptize those who repent and believe, and give personal spiritual help. Did you realize this?

   Let's drop on down to Australia, while we're over in that far-flung part of the world. The Australian continent is about the size of the United States. Our interest-arousing, God-sent, Christ-empowered Message BLANKETS the continent of Australia on 28 radio stations—nearly all of them thundering Christ's compelling Message out SIX NIGHTS A WEEK! Also we have just made a break- through into New Zealand, now starting on New Zealand radio stations. The very heavy mail response from all parts of Australia. Tasmania and New Zealand, "down under," is received, and quickly answered, from our large suite of offices in North Sydney, staffed with nearly 50 trained staff members. A number of ordained ministers—graduates of Ambassador College—are stationed in Australia. Many in Australia are being baptized—converted— brought into God's Kingdom. Many Australian students are in residence at Ambassador College in England, and the college in Pasadena—some of whom we feel sure will become ordained ministers. DID YOU REALIZE IT?

   Did you ever take time to really STUDY the big three-page Radio Log in The PLAIN TRUTH? Have you noticed how it has grown— now filling three pages—now 'way over 200 stations, many of them superpower top-ranking prestige stations! Most of them broadcast The WORLD TOMORROW six or seven times a week! Look at it! The WORLD TOMORROW goes AROUND THE WORLD—over South America, Africa, Europe, Asia, North America, Australia, Central America, the islands of the Pacific.

   Take the republic of South Africa. There they hear The WORLD TOMORROW six nights a week. A British survey showed that The WORLD TOMORROW is the MOST LISTENED-TO radio program in South Africa! Also, a large-size FULL-PAGE message appears every other issue of their mass-circulation pictorial magazine (like LIFE in U.S.A.). Also we maintain a well-staffed office in Johannesburg, with three ordained ministers kept busy with personal counseling with the many who request spiritual help toward salvation.

   On the world's most powerful station, Radio Luxembourg, we not only reach all Britain two nights a week on the English- language famous "208" dial spot—but also the French-language WORLD TOMORROW program reaches ALL FRANCE, BELGIUM, and French-speaking peoples of Europe FOUR TIMES A WEEK. Two of these four have just this month opened to us! Our French-language broadcast also reaches all Europe three times a week over the superpower Radio Europe No. One. We maintain an office staff in Geneva to receive the HEAVY mail from French-speaking people, and mail out requested literature promptly. Then there is the French-language edition of The PLAIN TRUTH—did you realize that?

   Now look at GERMANY—and German-speaking peoples in Europe! The German-language WORLD TOMORROW program reaches ALL GERMANY, and German-speaking Europe, FIVE TIMES A WEEK over Radio Luxembourg German-language band. TWO of these broadcast periods have just recently opened to us. Then there is the German-language edition of The PLAIN TRUTH! And also ordained German-speaking ministers in Germany, with our German offices in Duesseldorf. Even the EAST Germans are GETTING THE MESSAGE. We publish a very special India- paper thin edition of the German-language PLAIN TRUTH for reaching our MANY, MANY readers in Communist East Germany! The heavy-weight regular edition would be detected and destroyed by the Communist Government.

   And now, beginning this year, the great 50,000-watt new station RADIO LONDON! For years thousands have prayed for God to OPEN A WAY for the British to hear The WORLD TOMORROW every night. It really took a MIRACLE. We have a MIRACLE-WORKING CHRIST! And you are a Co-Worker with HIM! Now HE has opened up this powerful station, reaching all Britain EVERY NIGHT, seven nights a week, at 7:00. The response is growing rapidly week by week!

   Yes, around the world, 28 million people are hearing Christ's precious message every week! When you hear Garner Ted Armstrong or me say: "GREETINGS, Friends around the world "—it MEANS around the world! It means every inhabited continent on earth! It means both northern and southern hemispheres.

   And it 's all FREE! No one pays to HEAR! Some two million people now read every issue of The PLAIN TRUTH. And NO ONE PAYS TO GET IT!

   Have you noticed the constant improvement in The PLAIN TRUTH? Our Printing Department tells me we are now saving $10,000 per month by printing the United States-Canada edition ourselves in our OWN newly enlarged printing plant. We are now printing the Australian edition ourselves in our own new printing plant in Sydney. And we have just leased a large warehouse-type building in England near Ambassador College to install larger presses and SAVE MONEY doing our own printing of the British edition of The PLAIN TRUTH. Then all editions of The PLAIN TRUTH around the world will be printed BY US in our own printing plants AT LARGE SAVINGS! No one ever hears any begging for money over the air on The WORLD TOMORROW—like they do on other religious programs.


   YOUR sacrifice—YOUR sending in of tithes and generous offerings—are all that make this possible. You are working right WITH Jesus Christ—the living Christ who is soon coming again to earth—as HE, with us as Co-Workers and instruments, sends out, now, His last Message PREPARING THE WAY FOR HIS RETURN TO EARTH! He is coming this time in all the POWER and the GLORY of the Great God of the UNIVERSE! He is coming as KING of Kings, and LORD of lords—to RULE THE WHOLE WORLD! He is coming to END war, confusion, heartache, suffering and violence. He is coming to bring PEACE, and SALVATION to the world!

   LISTEN, Co-Workers! Is anything else important just now?

   THIS is the IMPORTANT business! THIS is the BIG YEAR! THIS is the CRISIS YEAR! And God's Work is IN A SUPREME CRISIS RIGHT NOW!

   We have had our two "austere years." We even cut a few radio stations off our list. We pared every expense to the bone. This put GOD'S WORK in a sound and healthy financial condition.

   But now we have to GO AHEAD. The WORK can't stand still. We have added more radio stations—more in Australia, New Zealand, Germany, France, England, and more in the United States and Canada. We had to or see the Work begin to go backward. CHRIST NEVER GOES BACKWARD—always forward! But the past six weeks or so we have not been having the usual increase in income. For 31 years this Work has enjoyed a steady increase averaging 30% a year. THAT INCREASE MUST BE MAINTAINED if Christ's mission is to be completed in time!

   Right now the situation becomes alarming!

   Everything else is "GO!" All is going forward except the tithes and offerings to defray the financial costs of the greatest Work on earth!

   LISTEN, dear Co-Worker! YOU are a Co-Worker with CHRIST. Not with me—except as I, too, am a Co-Worker WITH CHRIST! This is OUR part! I have personally increased the offerings from my personal pocket—and my contribution to the Building Fund. I never ask you to do a thing I don't do also, myself! It is the living Jesus Christ we are working with—and FOR! He is ALIVE! He LIVES! He directs this Work!

   I ask you now to PRAY! I ask you to pray the FATHER in Jesus' name! Jesus has given us access to His Father—and OUR Father! PRAY, earnestly, prevailingly, persistently, continually—PRAY for God to PROSPER our Co-Workers, so they have more to give! Pray for others who can to make LOANS. If YOU are one who has a larger sum —say, $500, $1,000 or several thousand dollars you cannot GIVE as a contribution at this time, yet are not using just now, would you be willing to let that money be WORKING under CHRIST'S guidance in HIS WORK, on a loan basis, UNTIL you need it?

   We have GOT to get the income for this great Work back up to our 30% level immediately, OR I SHALL HAVE TO START CANCELING OUT VITALLY IMPORTANT RADIO STATIONS! That would mean multiple thousands of people being deprived of hearing God's TRUTH any longer.

   I don't want that to happen! I don't think YOU want it to happen. Now I realize that some of our Co-Workers are not in position to make any increase in their offerings at this time. THAT IS WHY THOSE OF US WHO CAN, MUST TRY TO DO IT! If you can't— Jesus understands, and so do all of us. But you can PRAY! You can make up for it that way. Don't feel badly because you can't do more—be THANKFUL you are privileged to work with Christ as far as you can! But if you CAN, increase your offerings. Here we are in the last half of the month, when the Work's income always falls off.

   So, all who can, LET'S DO OUR UTMOST! And, for Jesus Christ, I say, THANK YOU, and blessings on you! And we should ALL say THANK YOU! to our Chief Co-Worker, Head, Ruler, and Saviour JESUS CHRIST!

With love, in Jesus' name
Herbert W. Armstrong

Publication Date: April 19, 1965
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