Proclaim to the World the GOOD NEWS OF THE WORLD TOMORROW
Box 111, Pasadena, Calif. 91109
Publishing: The PLAIN TRUTH a Magazine of UNDERSTANDING
December 29, 1967
Dear Co-Worker with Christ:
This is one of the most IMPORTANT, URGENT letters I have ever written you. I hope you will read carefully, prayerfully, every word.
You are one of a very precious family of the living Christ's own Co-Workers. I'm sure He, who HEADS, guides and prospers GOD'S WORK definitely called you, and laid it on your heart to become His Co-Worker. You know that we do NOT ask the public for contributions. We do not ask or urge anyone to become a Co-Worker with us. As I have explained before, when one does, VOLUNTARILY, without solicitation from us, send us contributions for God's great Work TWICE within six months, we do assume, from Jesus' own words in Matthew 6:21 that his or her HEART is really in God's Work — and has voluntarily become a Co-Worker.
So thereafter, as you know, I do write to you frequently, taking you into my confidence in regard to the future plans, the progress, and the problems and needs for the Work. GOD supplies our need, through HIS PEOPLE whose hearts are IN HIS WORK! That is GOD'S WAY — that is the BIBLE WAY!
And as we now end the year 1967, and enter the CRUCIAL YEAR 1968, I have to tell you the FACTS — facts about WORLD CONDITIONS — facts about the status and plans for GOD'S WORK!
TREMENDOUS events are going to occur this year that will plunge the world far closer to the END of this present civilization — but that actually hurtles us VERY CLOSE to the joyous WORLD TOMORROW, when we shall have world PEACE, universal prosperity, good health, abundant well-being, and when the living CHRIST, here in Person, WILL SET HIS HAND TO REALLY SAVE THE WORLD!
This great Work, now worldwide and multiplying in power, MUST accomplish more the next FOUR YEARS than during the past 34 combined! We are PREPARING THE WAY for Christ's RETURN to set up WORLD GOVERNMENT, and SAVE THE WORLD! You and I are having a significant PART in not only CHANGING the world — but also SAVING THE WORLD! We are preparing the way. Already multiple THOUSANDS are being converted — their lives CHANGED — receiving God's HOLY SPIRIT — being brought into GOD'S KINGDOM — every year through this great Work. That number GROWS RAPIDLY EVERY YEAR! It's the most IMPORTANT, and PRECIOUS Work on earth today!
But we have just suffered a MOUNTAINOUS SETBACK! A month ago I wrote you: "Now is the time when so many FORGET Christ's Work — or any gift for Him — exchanging gifts with relatives and friends, instead. "Also I wrote: "This is the month, dear Co-Workers, I have to ask you for EXTRA LIBERAL OFFERINGS — to make up for the neglect of so many."
Some of our Co-Workers did make sacrifice and send extra liberal offerings — but MOST seemed more indifferent to CHRIST and HIS WORK'S NEED than ever before! Never, in the past twenty years, has this great Work suffered such a LETDOWN from Co-Workers as a whole, as this December!
Let me tell you quickly, BRIEFLY, present plans for the future of this Work!
In order that The WORLD TOMORROW may be able to purchase time on the SUPERPOWER PRESTIGE STATIONS, we have had to change the format of the program the past few years. You may not have realized it, but most of the more IMPORTANT radio stations, with the biggest listening audiences, will not accept religious programs. The WORLD TOMORROW has NEVER been like the "RELIGIOUS" programs in this world. But we have had to make them more EDUCATIONAL. Also this has given us a FAR GREATER LISTENING AUDIENCE!
So far, that is fine. But, it does leave something LACKING. And now I am setting myself to SUPPLY THAT SOMETHING — if YOU will HELP me with your earnest PRAYERS. For it is going to be very difficult for me. I NEED YOUR HELP!
This is what I now plan to do: I propose to get back on the air, regularly, myself, four or five times a week, with REAL BIBLE PROGRAMS just like I used to broadcast, putting my whole heart into them! Most of these big prestige stations will not accept many of the more deeply spiritual and BIBLICAL programs — but, still, perhaps 90% of our stations WILL. They still are not, and never were, "religious" broadcasts in the sense that all others are. But I know that most of our Co-Workers miss those heart-warming, more spiritual and purely BIBLICAL programs. I do. My son Garner Ted would far rather give you that kind of programs — but the biggest MOST-LISTENED-TO STATIONS will not — most of them — accept them.
So — what we plan is THIS: I cannot broadcast those more educational non-religious-sounding programs as well as Ted — so he will continue them, seven times a week. And I will try to do four or five a week, which will be broadcast over as many stations as we know will accept them. That way, you will probably be able to hear BOTH — on different stations!
I believe that will MAKE A BIG DIFFERENCE! We are planning to buy FULL PAGES of advertising space ln LIFE magazine soon — during 1968 — and put The WORLD TOMORROW MESSAGE in that space! The TELEVISION program is developing, and in another year we will begin — GOD WILLING — to get it on more and more stations. GOD'S WORK MUST SIMPLY LEAP AHEAD NOW, as NEVER BEFORE!
The financial need is CRUCIAL right now — MORE THAN ANY TIME IN RECENT YEARS! It is MOST URGENT! We are actually having to take steps to MATERIALLY REDUCE OUR BUDGET FOR 1968! This should never BE!
GOD'S WORK NEEDS YOUR EARNEST, PREVAILING, BELIEVING PRAYERS! It needs more large LOANS than ever before! It needs a BIG financial LIFT. I have to ask you to take this to GOD in PRAYER. It is MOST SERIOUS! There is no time to lose. I must RUSH this to you. God bless you!