February 25, 1968  
February 25, 1968 - Brethren & Co-Workers Letter
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Herbert W Armstrong 



Proclaim to the World the GOOD NEWS OF THE WORLD TOMORROW

Box 111, Pasadena, Calif. 91109

Publishing: The PLAIN TRUTH a Magazine of UNDERSTANDING

Written at Bricket Wood
February 25, 1968

Dear Co-Worker with Christ:

   Once again I greet you from our campus in England. I had to make a sudden unexpected trip over here with our chief legal counsel from Pasadena to make certain organizational adjustments in the college and the Work as it operates in Britain, Europe and Africa, as a result of the recent devaluation of the British pound, and collapse of the British Empire.

   This economic and political downfall of Britain brought repercussions in the United States and other countries.

   TIME IS GETTING SHORTER by the month now! I have been telling you this. Now you read it in your newspapers — hear it on newscasts and telecasts! Britain has collapsed as a world power. It no longer has any real power in world affairs.

   For some months, now, I have said we are on the "gun lap" of the race our living CHRIST has set before us in His Work. We are coming in "on the home stretch." We must accomplish much more, in the next four years, than in all the last thirty-four, since God started this Work through us! God's last Message of love and warning must go in such multiplied POWER that it rocks this world — AND ITS LEADERS — back on their heels in astonishment!

   Up to now, the Message has reached primarily the COMMON PEOPLE. I am sure many of rank and authority in government have HEARD The WORLD TOMORROW — but few of them ever write or tell us, or request MORE truth through our literature. But now God is beginning to give us contact with some of the heads of state. Sometimes God works in mysterious ways His wonders to perform.

   Just as I wrote those words, a secretary from our incoming mail office brought me a letter forwarded from Pasadena. It is from a man in London high in official and royal circles, close to those of power not only in London, but in many other countries. He has read the new enlarged book, "The United States and British Commonwealth in Prophecy." He is intensely interested. He sees what is coming on these nations. He wants to assist in the Work any way he can. I cannot identify him for obvious reasons.

   Just as this letter was delivered, I was about to tell you of a very exciting event that happened the day before yesterday. One of the highest ranking men, at the very top of one of the important governments of Europe, had heard about Ambassador College, had been shown a copy of the Ambassador College annual published by the students, was much impressed — especially that we are a character-building college, and expressed that he would like a meeting with me. The meeting was arranged for me to visit him in his palace in the afternoon of day before yesterday.

   Two of our officials accompanied me, we were met at our hotel in the morning by a personal associate of this high personage. The man who came for us is head of an association which produces very unusual motion pictures in close cooperation with, and in some sense I do not fully understand, under the personal direction of the high government official. He took us to two projection rooms. In one we saw the most remarkable pictures of wild animal life in the African Jungle that have ever been filmed. These are actually superior to some of the Walt Disney pictures, such as "The Living Desert." They showed wild animals in their own natural habitat, just as they live. They are totally different from ordinary Travelogues. It took a large professional crew two years to film this 1 1/2 hour picture. It is in full color cinemascope — very professionally done. It reveals strange animals never discovered by man until a few years ago. It is exciting, full of astonishing action. It reveals NEW EVIDENCE about Evolution — will be of great help to my son Garner Ted in his television series on Evolution.

   Then at another viewing room we saw an exceedingly dramatic full color cinemascope of the eruption of a huge volcano, showing a long river of bright red molten lava flowing for miles. Never have such realistic pictures been photographed before.

   Then in the afternoon we were driven to the palace, and received by this personage whose name I must withhold. He asked questions about Ambassador College and showed real appreciation to know of a college putting emphasis on building right and wholesome character in this age of teen-age rebellion, hippies, mods, "rockers," and "beatniks." He had to be assured that we are strictly noncommercial, and that if any of these films were made available to us they would not be used commercially for profit.

   Then he took us to a projection room in the palace, where he had many thousands of color slides of pictures he has photographed himself. We learned that our host is a very experienced photographer of high professional ability. We were shown 150 slides, mostly taken in the wilds and jungles of South America, showing natives as they live in these regions. He himself sat beside me, and gave us a running commentary describing each slide as it was projected.

   He offered to make these available to us.

   Why is this important? I say we must accomplish more in the next four years than in the last thirty-four. We are now making plans, full speed ahead, to go on COLOR TELEVISION with The WORLD TOMORROW program. Also the way seems to be opening for us to establish our own non-profit educational TV station at the Texas campus, and, we hope, a little later at the Pasadena campus.

   Television will MULTIPLY the effectiveness of the program many times over. The way is PROVIDENTIALLY opening up before us in ASTONISHING ways. Arrangements have been made for me to have a personal visit, in early April with King Hussein of Jordan, in regard to the possibility of WORLDWIDE broadcasting from Jerusalem. Of course the Israelis occupy all of Jerusalem now — but I feel God will open the way for this broadcast, even if He is to do it by causing the Israelis to allow the Jordanians to go back and operate Radio Jerusalem.

   Co-Workers, TIME IS SHORT, and growing rapidly shorter. But we are merely the instruments of the LIVING CHRIST, who is the HEAD of God's Work, and He is moving fast, now, opening up undreamed-of opportunities before us to VASTLY EXPAND HIS WORK!

   I am working hard to do my part faithfully. YOUR part is just as important. I NEED YOUR PRAYERS! God has given YOU the great opportunity to have a part in financing HIS WORK. We must GO TO the world with HIS DYNAMIC MESSAGE. No one else Proclaims it! It does cost money to pay for the gigantic facilities Christ has opened before us, to reach MORE THAN 45 MILLION people every week with His last Message!

   We must NEVER ask the public for financial help! WE NEVER DO!

   But YOU have been called by the living Christ to be HIS Co-Worker — one of HIS instruments which HE used in the Work of GOD! You accepted His call voluntarily, of your own volition. I never ask anyone to become a Co-Worker. As such, YOU ARE HELPING not only to CHANGE the world — but, at Christ's soon coming, to S A V E the world!

   We must press on harder, now, than ever. The Work is in financial NEED, and this need is URGENT! Please PRAY for ME, as I pray for YOU — and for the WORK — and put your heart into your prayers.

   It is a matchless PRIVILEGE for which we should be exceedingly GRATEFUL! God is BLESSING this Work — and He BLESSES you and me as we GIVE of our part! Again, THANK YOU sincerely.

With love, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong

Publication Date: February 25, 1968
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