June 22, 1978  
June 22, 1978 - Brethren & Co-Workers Letter
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Herbert W Armstrong 


President and Pastor

June 22, 1978

Dear Co-Workers and Brethren in Christ:

   I just want to have a real heart-to-heart family GET-TOGETHER with you.

   I have said many times that, directly or indirectly, all you who have God's Holy Spirit are my children in Christ. Even those of you who have come into the Church more recently.

   The aged Apostle John, writing in the 90's A.D., addressed his first letter, in the second chapter, to "my little children, these things write I unto you."

   From the bottom of my heart, I THANK YOU for the wonderful letters and telephone calls that have been pouring in, since I have been back on the air and also in regard to the recent changes Christ, the Living Head of this Church, has been making to set His Church back on the right track.

   Let me first assure you that I have NOT "moved away from Xeadquarters." Jesus Christ has chosen and used only one apostle in our time. Let me say to you emphatically that the Living CHRIST has taken over as the HEAD of God's Church, and established me in FIRM CONTROL, under Him, on the human level. I am back on the job. I am back on the air—both on television and on radio. Every effort is being made to put the programs on more and more radio stations—especially the major 50,000 watt stations—and on television coast to coast. We must realize it is impossible to get back on so many hundreds of stations all at once. But, as fast as we can we are now bending every effort to increase our radio and television coverage.

   Let me quote just a very FEW of the hundreds and thousands of letters and telephone calls that have been pouring in regarding these new programs that I am sending out.

   First, just a few comments about the taped sermons heard in our Churches. These, of course, we were able to get out, and to be heard by our brethren, before the new radio and T.V. programs could be put on the air.

   From R.V., in Chillicothe, Illinois: "I want to tell you how good it was to have heard the strength and power in your voice and the message on your recent tape. It's great to have you back in charge."

   From M.H., Roxie, Mississippi: "Words can't begin to express how it makes me feel to know that God restored your life and has given you health, strength, and best of all, you are back in the swing again."

   From L.C., Wichita, Kansas: "I heard your greatest of all tapes in our Church services. Your voice truly sounded the best I've ever heard since I came into the Church. Your great recovery is evident in your voice. You are truly the Lord's chosen leader."

   Mrs. A., Asheville, North Carolina writes: "I am so thankful to hear your voice again, even on tape. It is exciting being able to hear you again.... The young members will find out what they have missed."

   Mrs. P. writes: "Sure enjoyed hearing Herbert W. Armstrong's tapes at the Fresno, California Church. He sure sounded good to have had such a bad sick spell. We love him so much and are still praying for his added strength."

   Brethren, it is wonderful and inspiring to know that you do love me so much and are praying for me. This awareness gives me the incentive and inspiration to PRESS ON until Christ's GREAT COMMISSION is finished.

   But let me tell you that I DO LOVE ALL YOU—pray for you— and am grateful from the bottom of my heart for your faithfulness, loyalty, and loving support in the Work.

   And now, the first letters after hearing the first radio broadcast (that is, the first I personally have done in a few years) are beginning to flood in.

   From Manteno, Illinois, L.S. writes: "Heard Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong for the first time this morning on WMAQ. How wonderful!"

   Mr. and Mrs. W. write from Las Vegas, Nevada: "Welcome back. It was so good to hear your voice as strong as ever...we had the thrill of hearing 'Greetings friends, this is Herbert W. Armstrong' on the radio from Salt Lake City. How many memories that evoked of our first contact with the Work back in the 1960's. So again, WELCOME BACK!"

   Just one more. From Hummelstown, Pennsylvania, Mrs. H.C. writes: "I heard you on radio last night. The first time for a good many years. It was such a thrill I had goose pimples. You came out loud and strong. You sound better than ever. I am so happy that you are back on radio."

   Brethren, nothing has "gone wrong" at Headquarters, but Christ has set everything RIGHT once again.

   We are in the time of greatest stress in world history. Satan knows he has but a short time, and he is both subtle and POWERFUL! I cannot match his cunning and strategy. But I look to CHRIST our real Head—and I point you to HIM. He is on God's Throne. And all POWER, in heaven and in earth, has been given to Him! That includes power over Satan. CHRIST IS STRAIGHTENING OUT ALL OUR PROBLEMS IN HIS CHURCH!

   I LOVE YOU, brethren! I am back on the job, with energy and vitality unabated! Never was your faithful and loyal support more necessary! PRAY—and FAST AND PRAY!

With deep love, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong

Publication Date: June 22, 1978
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