Know The Answer?
What did Jesus say when Thomas asked, "How can we know the way?"
I am the way, the truth and the life.

John 14:5-6
Bible Study Series - John H Ogwyn
Lesson 23 - II Chronicles 21-36 & II Kings 3-25
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Now we are sort of on the wrap up phase of our Bible Study series on the Old Testament. We're completing the books of II Chronicles and II Kings this evening and next Bible Study we will do a survey on Ezra and Nehemiah and that will really have brought us through the historical flow of the Old Testament and we will do a Bible Study on the time between the testaments and then get into the New Testament. So we will come back and pickup all the books that were a part of this particular Bible Study in later series...

Transcript of this Bible Study Series coming.

Bible Study Series Date: January 4, 2000