PERILOUS TIMES are ahead - even AT YOUR VERY DOOR! The world-wide danger signals are up, just as Christ said they would be. Unparalleled VIOLENCE FROM fierce, SATANIC MEN - men HAVING AN OUTWARD FORM OF GODLINESS - is just ahead! These men WILL diabolically ATTEMPT TO ENFORCE an OBSERVANCE OF SUNDAY UPON the PEOPLE OF this EARTH. They will use every means at their disposal to do so - including sheer brute force! But why will these men be so insistent in forcing sunday worship? Your Bible warns these men will be inspired of the very Devil himself! That's why!! - "Woe to the inhabitents of the earth, for the DEVIL has come DOWN unto you, HAVING GREAT WRATH, because he KNOWETH that he HATH BUT a SHORT TIME"! God warns you and me that "WE WRESTLE not WITH flesh and blood [human beings], but against... spiritual wickedness [WICKED SPIRITS] IN HIGH PLACES" (Rev. 12:12; Eph. 6:12).
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Note: Bible Study 58 - Lesson 29 - Test are supplied at the end of the 32nd Lesson for Lesson 29 - 1963 Revision 363