Know The Answer?
Jesus said his servants should be as "wise as serpents, and harmless as ____?

Matthew 10:16
The TONGUES Question
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The TONGUES Question
Radio Church of God      |   Remove Highlight

IS "SPEAKING in tongues" the BIBLE evidence of baptism with the Holy Spirit? Is this "baptism" for us today? What is the Bible teaching about "TARRY MEETINGS? In the year 1906, a new movement sprang up, known as the "Pentecostal movement," which has swept this country and others like a prairie fire. Thousands have followed it. It has caused thousands to wonder. Other thousands have been greatly troubled by it, while still other thousands denounce it as "wild-fire fanaticism." What is the TRUTH? Is this movement of God? Is it true, as they claim, that the "latter rain" of the Holy Spirit is now falling?

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Publication Date: 1957
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