Title: Festival of Music 2 Ambassador College - Young Ambassadors Then, then shall the righteous shine forth Joy on their head be for everlasting Then, then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun
Category: Guest Soloists
Cassette 3: Side B
Song Title: Then Shall The Righteous Shine Forth
Composer: Felix Mendelssohn
Tenor Solo: Performed by Roger Bryant
As the sun in their heav'nly Father's realm
Shine forth as the sun in their heav'nly Father's realm
Then shall the righteous shine forth
In their heav'nly Father's realm
As the sun, as the sun in their heav'nly Father's realm
Joy on their head shall be for everlasting
And all sorrow and mourning shall flee away
Shall flee away forever
In their heav'nly Father's realm
Shine forth, shine in their heav'nly Father's realm
Shine forth as the sun in their heav'nly Father's realm
Then shall the righteous shine
In their heav'nly Father's realm