Title: Festival of Music 2 Ambassador College - Young Ambassadors They brought young children to the Lord to touch the Master's hand CHORUS Let the little children come unto Me this day He took the children in His arms and held them tenderly CHORUS We know they're set apart by God because of His great love CHORUS So receive the Kingdom like a child
Category: Special Music Originals
Cassette 2: Side B
Song Title: Blessing Of The Little Children
Composer: Ross F Jutsum (Lyrics paraphrased from Mark 10, I Corinthians 7)
Performed by: The Young Ambassadors
They had heard of all the miracles He performed throughout the land
Disciples did rebuke them with their faces stern and grim
But when Jesus saw He was so displeased and beckoned them to Him
Of such is God's great Kingdom and truly do I say
My Father gives eternal life to His begotten sons
So receive the Kingdom like a child
Just like these little ones
Then He placed His hand upon their heads
For all the world to see how He loved them
He asked a special blessing on these little ones so dear
For God's guidance and protection throughout the coming year
With the hosts of guardian angels watching closely from above
Let's follow in the footsteps of our soon coming King
And then our Father's worldwide Family, together we will sing
Just like these little ones