The World Tomorrow Radio Broadcast

Listen to Gospel of Christ Gospel of Christ
Herbert W Armstrong - HA240A

stockpiles of hydrogen bombs lie ready to lay waste entire continents overnight without warning. That's the world you live in. What's it all coming to? I've been telling you that world-renowned scientists say publicly that they are frightened when they look into the future. They know what's ...View Transcript

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Listen to Gospel of the Kingdom of God Gospel of the Kingdom of God
Herbert W Armstrong

Ladies and Gentlemen greetings, you live in a twentieth-century world that is plunging to its own destruction. Plunging to human extinction, I think we need to be reminded not only about the hostage crisis as we have been in the past year. We need to be reminded that four hundred millions of us are ...View Transcript

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Listen to Grace vs License Grace vs License
Herbert W Armstrong

Listen, could anything be more surprising today than to learn that what we have believed was the Gospel of Jesus Christ is not the Gospel of Christ at all? That in just two or three short generations after the original Church of the apostles; the original faith once delivered to the saints was rejec ...View Transcript

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Listen to Great Pyramid Great Pyramid
Herbert W Armstrong - HA239B

We came to the subject of angels. Do angels exist, or are they just a myth or a superstition if they exist? Where did they come from? What are they? Why are they? What is their function? What are they like? When did they start? What do you know about angels anyway? And now we have come in this study ...View Transcript

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Listen to Hades and Gehenna Explained Hades and Gehenna Explained
Herbert W Armstrong - RAD8079

And now my friends get out your Bibles and see some things that are going to astonish you, why is it that you have been brought up to believe exactly the opposite of what the Bible says? That is to believe that it says exactly the opposite of what it does? Why is it that you have accepted a gospel y ...View Transcript

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Listen to Has God Changed? Has God Changed?
Garner Ted Armstrong - 1977

And greeting friends around the world. Has God changed? Have his moral standards changed? Does he punish for the same abominations and crimes today as he did in ages past? You know, a lot of people look into the Old Testament, and they see the prophecies of Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Isaiah, and others. The ...View Transcript

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Listen to Healing Healing
Herbert W Armstrong - June 19, 1979, the ministry, and the experience of Jesus Christ, the example that He set, and finding out why it is, that He taught exactly contrary to what the churches teach today. They call themselves Christian. They say they're preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. But they do preach a gospel about ...View Transcript

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Listen to Healing and Christ's Garment Healing and Christ's Garment
Herbert W Armstrong - June 15, 1979

In almost every mind there is fear and worry, and we're having our struggles and our problems and our troubles. Almost every life is empty and we try to invent every idea of a pastime or a pleasure just to crowd out our own emptiness and feeling of unhappiness and all that sort of thing, and pass ...View Transcript

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Listen to Healing and the Anointed Cloth Healing and the Anointed Cloth
Herbert W Armstrong - June 18, 1979 a lot of people, because they're not, as a rule, the largest, most powerful, and most dignified sects and denominations. Very often, my friends, these things are done in a wrong manner that only heaps ridicule upon them. But, actually, you know, when we look back into the life and the experi ...View Transcript

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Listen to Healing and Your Faith Healing and Your Faith
Herbert W Armstrong - June 20, 1979

My friends, why does nearly everybody believe exactly the opposite of what the Bible says? That is, why do they think it says exactly the opposite of what it does say? Why is it, as Bruce Barton said, "The Book that nobody knows?" Nobody understands. Why has it been turned upside down? Why ...View Transcript

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Listen to Heaven and the Resurrection - Part 1 Heaven and the Resurrection - Part 1
Garner Ted Armstrong - 1974

What has the world today got to do with the world tomorrow? What is your life now got to do with the future? Say 100 years from now when you die, what happens next? Theologians have all kinds of real interesting ideas. Some of them are so hilarious; they really are funny. Have you ever heard about g ...View Transcript

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Listen to Heaven And The Resurrection - Part 1 Heaven And The Resurrection - Part 1
Garner Ted Armstrong - 1977

Can you quote any verses to substantiate whether or not the Bible says heaven is the place people go to when they die? Can your preacher quote any such verse? I have the verses that most ministers use to quote right here. We'll take a look at those verses, and we will see they don't promise heav ...View Transcript

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Listen to Heaven and the Resurrection - Part 2 Heaven and the Resurrection - Part 2
Garner Ted Armstrong - 1974

What a world it would be if you could be guaranteed life from now on. People actually hope that science can achieve a fantastic breakthrough and promise us just there, there are associations formed now for people who believe that maybe if their bodies are quick frozen that some time, 50 years, 100 y ...View Transcript

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Listen to Heaven And The Resurrection - Part 2 Heaven And The Resurrection - Part 2
Garner Ted Armstrong - 1977

People in East Berlin want to escape to West Berlin. People in some of the communist countries want to come to the West. People in Los Angeles would like to escape to the deserts, the beach, or the mountains, and people in big cities would like to escape to the country. Everybody wants to get away f ...View Transcript

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Listen to Hebrews Series 01 - Answered Prayer Hebrews Series 01 - Answered Prayer
Herbert W Armstrong

How many people ever really proved, one way or the other, whether the Holy Bible is the very word of a creator who brought into existence everything that is, and who sustains by His power, every force, every energy, every natural law, every living thing that moves. The Bible gives a sharp, crisp pla ...View Transcript

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