My friends, why is it that in this world today, so filled with what we call Christianity in our Western world, we have still to hear the real gospel of Jesus Christ? Why is it that men accepted Christ, the person of Christ, that they began to formulate their own gospel about his person, that they ac ...
...the gospel that Jesus preached. They recognize it. The world doesn't recognize it, "Because the carnal mind is enmity against God" (Romans 8:7). And Jesus is the Word of God. And He didn't speak of Himself. He only spoke that which the Father, which sent Him, told Him and commanded Him (John ...
My friends, why do you read over here in I Peter the second chapter: "Like newborn babes, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up to salvation?" "...that by it you may grow up to salvation;" Now why would that be in the Bible if anyone already has salvation, and the salvation pr ...
Here's the only ray of light piercing the foreboding gloom in the news of the world today. Today's news portends nothing but greatly increased world catastrophe coming, a rapidly accelerating disturbance and chaos in world conditions. Every indication of today's news points toward worse and wo ...
Listen, do you know where you are going? Do you have a real goal, a purpose in life? You were put on this earth for a purpose. God Almighty planned and designed every detail of everything that exists on this earth, and that includes you. Now from one mile up in the air in an airplane you would be ba ...
The big news is we'll still be here in the world tomorrow. That is if the world finally achieves one world government. Now, you think I mean by that that you have to help bring it about, but I don't. Do you imagine for one minute that all the world's religions are going to finally get together ...