Now, we want to get at this today and we want to really answer this question; we've been going through the New Testament and shocked to find out that it doesn't say what we have supposed it said. What we'd been taught it said, that the Gospel of Jesus Christ has been hidden from the world; tha ...
And you know we could have good news today. In spite of the fact that you don't read very much good news in your newspaper, and you don't hear very much in newscasts, either on radio or television. You know things could go very well for us. We all have a lot of troubles, we all have a lot of pro ...
Ladies and gentlemen, greetings. If you knew what was prophesied to happen to the United States, and that means to you and to yours within the very next few years, you would be very vitally concerned. A staggering turn in world events is prophesied to happen in the very next few years. If it doesn+* ...
But the bad news of today is that the United States has become the most violence-prone nation in the world. Well, I wonder if we can realize that even by some of the greatest minds and leaders of the police forces and the most respected law enforcement agencies in all the world, we are being warned ...
Now it was not too long ago, there was an editorial in one of our largest news magazines, 'The United States News and World Report.' It said that it would seem that the only hope of survival of humanity now, is the sudden appearance of a strong unseen hand from someplace - to intervene in world ...
Man alone of all creatures, harbors an insatiable interest in the past. The Luna of pyramids and statues has captured lives and fortunes. We remain as convinced as ever that knowledge of the dead will help provide knowledge and help for the living. Yet, despite man's efforts, antiquities still gua ...
But there's a little bit of good news today. We've been talking about angels, and I've mentioned, I've asked you, "Have you ever heard a message about angels; have you ever read an article about angels?" Let's proceed along, then, with what we've been studying about angels. Now ...
Why is it that the human mind is almost unlimited when it comes to dealing with things? The things that we can do are almost, well, absolutely fantastic and mind-boggling. But the human mind is helpless in solving our human problems and in dealing with people or with groups of people, whether indivi ...
And greetings friends around the world, this is Herbert W Armstrong with the good news of the World Tomorrow! But in the world today I know that your life is beset with problems and troubles. Your mind harassed by fears and worries. There is only one way out of this and almost no one knows that way ...
Now I know it's almost impossible to believe - yes, it's shocking, it's astounding, but nevertheless it's true - the Gospel that Jesus brought to mankind was lost to our Western world within the first two or three centuries, way back there nineteen hundred years ago! What you and I grew up s ...
Yesterday I thought that I had completed all that was essential in the astonishing, eye-opening revelations straight from authentic history of what actually happened to the religion of Christianity during the first fifty, and the first two hundred years after Christ. Showing how the professing Chris ...
One of the most real proofs of whether God exists, of whether the Holy Bible really is the inspired Word of God, of whether the Bible carries authority, is answered prayer. The real test is, does it work? Is it practical? In common and modern language, does it pay off? Even most sincerely professing ...
My friends why is that today we are in such religious confusion? Why is it that there seem to be more than one Jesus Christ being proclaimed today? And why is it that the message that Jesus Christ brought is not known today? And people believe exactly the opposite, and they can become very much rile ...
Time is running out! Armageddon is closer day by day, and it's not too many days off now. Troubles, even wars between nations are increasing all the time. It may have a great deal to do with plunging this world into the nuclear World War III, and that's going to end this civilization. Just how n ...
And so, once again, I say, let's have the intellectual honesty and the honesty of heart, to be willing to do exactly what the Bible commands to prove all things and to prove whether what we have assumed and been brought up from childhood to believe in a world that is engulfed in pagan superstition ...