How can you know whether we are near "the end of the world"? Can we prove it? ARE we now in the biblically prophesied "time of the end"? President Reagan, of the United States, spoke of world conditions seemingly indicating we may be nearing "Armageddon." The atomic scientists some time ago set the ...
"There have ALWAYS BEEN false prophets, wars and rumors of war, famines, pestilences and earthquakes ..." some will claim. "It's nothing new." How can you KNOW whether this really IS the end-time generation? Can you PROVE it? "THERE HAVE ALWAYS BEEN ..." YOU ARE living in the time of the end. But ...
No matter how great, or how small, may have been your study and understanding of the Bible you will find these lessons intensely interesting, and you will come to a better understanding of the coming KINGDOM OF GOD - the coming NEW WORLD ORDER which shall rule the world for the next thousand odd yea ...
The BIBLE stands today the world's Best Seller, and also the world's MOST MISUNDERSTOOD BOOK! The prophecies, especially, are palpably misunderstood. WHY? Perhaps unwillingness to accept correction and reproof from the Scriptures is the greatest reason of all. The tendency is to follow tradition ...
There is a striking, fundamental connection between the Sabbath and evolution. Many of us perhaps, have felt that we need not be concerned about evolution. We have heard it stated that there is no real conflict between science and the Bible, or between science and religion. But that is only because ...
Up to the present, we know, the whole created universe groans in all its parts as if in the pangs of childbirth, (Rom. 8:22). Humankind somehow senses that something is very wrong with this world today. The tragic symptoms are everywhere about us. Humanity is continually confronted with a growing mu ...
If there's anything the world needs now, it's hope. Hope for the future - hope for a time of peace, prosperity and general spiritual enlightenment. But such hope escapes us in this world of war, crime, famine, environ, mental crisis, moral profligacy and political upheaval. Something is terribly ...
Crime is generally defined as "deviant behavior contrary to the accepted codes of society." Society will not survive if most of its people break most of its laws most of the time, so man has instituted punishment for serious crimes in an attempt to stop criminal behavior. Nevertheless, cri ...
CRIME is generally defined as "deviant behavior contrary to the accepted codes of society." Society will not survive if most of its people break most of its laws most of the time, so man has instituted punishment for serious crimes in an attempt to stop criminal behavior. Nevertheless, crime has flo ...
Crime is the number one domestic problem in America. It is a growing concern in all affluent nations. The average citizen - especially in the United States - lives in fear of being a victim of crime. Why do we have this mounting crime crisis? How can the spiraling trend of increasing crime be halted ...
The Bible pictures the whole world under the sway of an invisible devil. Where did he come from? Did God create a devil to tempt us and to lead us astray? Here are the answers from God's Word! Is THERE a devil? Many people talk about the devil and Satan. Others scoff and say it's just superstiti ...
The Bible pictures the whole world under the sway of an invisible devil. Where did he come from? Did God create a devil to tempt us and to lead us astray? Here are the answers from God's Word! IS THERE a devil? Many people talk about the devil and Satan. Others scoff and say it's just superstiti ...
The Bible pictures the whole world under the sway of an invisible devil. Where did he come from? Did God create a devil to tempt us and to lead us astray? Here are the answers from God's Word! IS THERE a devil? Many people talk about the devil and Satan. Others scoff and say it's just superstiti ...
In telling you the PLAIN TRUTH on this vital subject, it is realized this truth strikes home to every fourth reader. It's realized, too, that some will become offended at the TRUTH. It is not our purpose, however, to offend people, but rather to please God and to carry out His solemn commission to ...
Why should there be so much confusion about what man IS? What happens to a human at death? Does death separate an immortal soul from the body? Read the startling proof, answering these questions that have perplexed millions. THE ONLY sure thing about life, they say, is death and taxes. That's a co ...