
  Eternal Life Eternal Life
David J Albert - July 14, 1984

Well good morning everyone; at least everyone who's here. It looks like some folks are on vacation or away, of course we don't have the students here during the summer, so there is a few empty spots out there. It's a pleasure to be with you, have this opportunity to speak to you today. Appreci ...

Listen to  Europe & Mideast Trip Europe & Mideast Trip
Herbert W Armstrong - November 28, 1981

Greetings again everybody! Nice to be back. Now I arrived back about, let me see, I think it was about five thirty or six o'clock this morning, London time. I finally got to bed about midnight our time, after quite a long flight from London. I think first of all perhaps you'd like to hear a litt ...View Transcript

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Listen to  Examine Yourselves Examine Yourselves
John H Ogwyn - February 23, 2002 - Passover

As was mentioned in the sermonette, we are very rapidly approaching the Passover and as we approach Passover it is appropriate that we think in terms of self-examination, you know God's Festivals outline the whole plan of redemption and the world fundamentally misunderstands, they don't keep the ...

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Listen to  Ezekiel - Part 1 Ezekiel - Part 1
Leroy Neff - October 19, 1981 - Last Great Day

Well, I hope that even though it has been rather rainy and wet here at least during part of the feast that you got alone alright and you didn't suffer particularly. On another subject, this Monday, let's see this is Wednesday the day before yesterday in Tucson, Mr. Armstrong had a Ministerial lu ...

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Listen to  Ezekiel - Part 2 Ezekiel - Part 2
Leroy Neff - October 20, 1981 - Last Great Day

It's certainly a pleasure to be here again this morning on this Last Great Day; the weather has certainly cooperated today to make it an unusually memorable one. We've certainly appreciated the opportunity, privilege of coming back here again as I mentioned last night and the opportunity to visi ...

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Listen to  Faith Faith
Dean R Wilson - 1981

Learning more and more everyday that we do have talent in the South Church, really pleased with it and I do appreciate the effort that some many are putting out. The New Testament you continually read about faith and you continually hear about faith, but you know, did you realize, probably you never ...

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Listen to  Faith Faith
John Richard Seiver - July 26, 1980

I heard a little story, I guess over the radio, relating to this hot weather and drought that we've had here recently and some of the religious organizations are changing some of their practices. I understand that the Baptists are sprinkling now and that the Methodists have started using a damp cl ...

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Listen to  Faith Faith
Greg R Albrecht - September 6, 1980

Well good afternoon to you all. This week we had some rather special visitors here on the Ambassador Campus, two long time members of the Church had been visiting here in California for several days, but they've been unable to see the Campus until just Wednesday afternoon. They like so many, many ...

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Listen to  Family Family
John A Halford - October 24, 1987

Our children are grown up now as obviously some of yours are, Becky is a junior at Ambassador College, aged 20? something like that, and Judy is a freshman at Ambassador College and aged 18 or something like that. Both of them are thoroughly American and have not forgotten where they were born, in f ...

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Listen to  Family Family
Ronald W Laughland - October 30, 1985

What I would like to talk about today was sung in the song here in the special music, the concept that is one of the most important concepts that God has ever created and it is the concept that is very, very unique to God and the God family and it is family. Family is one of the most important conce ...

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Listen to  Fathers Fathers
Joel M Lillengreen - 1979 - Feast of Tabernacles

You know this has been a real hard hitting feast and I know that for me the messages that have been given throughout this festival have been hard hitting in my life. I've received something from each speaker that I feel in both the sermonette as well as the main sermon, but I hope that it's not ...

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Listen to  FEAR FEAR
Carn A Catherwood - 1979

Today brethren I want to talk a little bit about hurtful, scared, nervous Christians because we have a certain number of those and we'll analyze human fears because we all have them and also analyze how human fears have blocked [inaudible] as so many members in the Church of God did in 1979, a few ...

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Listen to  Fear Religion Fear Religion
George W Lee

We visited a new prospective member in actually the North Shore this past week and you know this doesn't come around very often for us. I can remember years ago when I was over in Calgary that I used to get PM's as we called them, I'd get one a week anyway and it was just routine to get these ...

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Listen to  Feast of Tabernacles - Opening Night Service Feast of Tabernacles - Opening Night Service
Herbert W Armstrong - September 21, 1983 - Feast of Tabernacles

Greetings brethren, around the world, here we are once again, another year, another Feast of Tabernacles and this year in 83 festival sites all around the world in 47 different countries, different nations, think of that! Every continent of the world and many of the islands in the sea, tonight I'm ...

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Listen to  Feast of Tabernacles - Opening Night Service Feast of Tabernacles - Opening Night Service
Herbert W Armstrong - October 11, 1984 - Feast of Tabernacles

Good evening Brethren around the world, all 131,000 of you, they tell me that there are 131,000 of you attending the Feast this year and you're all my children in the Lord. I wonder if you realize how you come to be there where you are and how you come to be attending this Festival. Did you know t ...

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