
Listen to  Creation And The Gospel Creation And The Gospel
Herbert W Armstrong - May 13, 1978

Now last night I told you that above all God is the Creator. But God also is perfect, holy, and righteous character. God first created angels and put them on the earth. He created angels BEFORE He had created the earth and the physical, material, universe. He put them here to have a part with Him in ...View Transcript

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Listen to  Criticism Criticism
Jess Earnest - October 22, 1978 - Feast of Tabernacles

Good morning everyone; I'd like to second what another Minister's already said previous to today that it is a awesome sight and a beautiful sight to see so many of Gods people invoking together, seventh day of the Feast of Tabernacles, to see so many of you it's just a beautiful and awe inspir ...

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Listen to  Daniel 8 Parallels Daniel 8 Parallels
Herman L Hoeh - October 20, 1979

Good morning to you; I thought today we should pickup an area in keeping with the general example of what has been occurring. I would like to choose as an illustration one of those most critical periods in the time of the Church that we know as the congregation of Israel whose problems would be an e ...

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Listen to  Daniel's Prophecy Daniel's Prophecy
Dean C Blackwell - June 27, 1979

We had the opportunity back in 1956, for a couple of years, to come down and do a lot of visiting and preaching here in the Saint Louis area. Then for quite a few years after that, it was in the district we had in Chicago, and we came down here quite often to visit Saint Louis area as well. It's b ...View Transcript

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Listen to  Day of Atonement Day of Atonement
John H Ogwyn - September 23, 1980 - Atonement

Well good morning brethren, since we didn't plan potluck lunch today we thought we could go ahead and preach during the noon hour. We don't have anything else to do during the noon hour, so you might as well be fed spiritually, since you're not going to get fed physically. Does it seem to you ...

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Listen to  Day of Atonement Day of Atonement
John H Ogwyn - September 16, 2002 - Atonement

Well greetings brethren, it's very nice to be able to have this opportunity to speak to you here on the Day of Atonement, we're approaching the Feast of Tabernacles very soon and as we are gathered to observe this particular Holy Day, it's important for us to think about and to understand the ...

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Listen to  Days of Unleavened Bread Days of Unleavened Bread
Leroy Neff - April 1, 1980 - Unleavened Bread

Everything I like is either sinful, immoral, or fattening. You surprised me. Well, it's been some time since I saw this, but I saw it on a little plaque somewhere, and I thought it was rather appropriate as an introduction to the sermon that I have, because it seems like so many of us... think tha ...View Transcript

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Listen to  Deception To Come Deception To Come
Donald E Mason - October 16, 1981 - Feast of Tabernacles

Certainly a beautiful feast, I hope that the rain hasn't dampened anyone's spirits. Seems like this year the theme of the feast is being a family, certainly that is the theme of the Feast of Tabernacles, so all this rain has just helped us spend a little more time together as family, I know our ...

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Listen to  Demons Demons
Dean C Blackwell - 1978

Today I'd like to begin to cover a subject that most people don't like to cover. Most people don't like to think about or talk about or even admit exists. I know Mr. Dart, when he graduated from Ambassador College with all the Ministerial training and launched out on the visiting program the f ...

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Listen to  Develop The Qualities of A Priest Develop The Qualities of A Priest
Edwin N Marrs

Well greetings everyone, to extend greetings from your brothers down south and the West Church, I guess, Mr. Turner was asking me was I going to give a certain type of sermon today on something I'd given, I don't remember what I've given half the time, but there are a lot of things on my mind ...

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Listen to  Developing the Personality of God Developing the Personality of God
Ronald D McNeil - August 14, 1976

You look so comfortable, I was sitting back during the announcements and I began to yawn and slowly but surely my mind began to wonder, but it's nice anyway and comfortable. Some of the halls we've met in from time to time in different areas you couldn't go to sleep if you wanted too. We were ...

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Listen to  Disfellowshipping Disfellowshipping
Dean C Blackwell - 1978

Today I would like to approach a subject and cover a subject, two different ways. First of all we'll just use human reasoning like people seem to what to do all the time and it's not unique because some people in the Bible did the same thing, but do you think that its Christian to excommunicate ...

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Listen to  Divorce and Remarriage Divorce and Remarriage
Herman L Hoeh - January 4, 1975

[Poor Audio in places, good headphones or speakers recommended!] Good morning to all of you, Dr. Zimmerman, I talked to Mr. Hagebo, Simmon Hagebo and I extended him and his brother best wishes, he's from Northern Ireland territory some of you may know, anyway the conference we did have briefly wit ...

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Listen to  Does Prayer Make A Difference? Does Prayer Make A Difference?
John H Ogwyn - April 20, 2002

Good morning once again, you know it's interesting how things work out sometimes when they started the telecast course we play one of our telecast about once a month, here in the sermonette slot. I didn't know which telecast was going to be selected, I scheduled that a telecast would be played t ...

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Listen to  Don't Be Careless With What You Know Don't Be Careless With What You Know
Don Waterhouse - April 19, 1981 - Unleavened Bread

I don't know about you, I'm sure this is a common problem in your life, at least sometime during the year, if not quite often, and it's emphasized at the time of the Feast of Unleavened Bread and the Passover more than any other time. Now frankly folks I tend to get down when it comes around t ...

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