Child Rearing Richard D Armstrong - October 13, 1957 - Feast of Tabernacles
You know as Ted said the other day in coming out here, his little son Mark so flustered in things and he hears him say, well he ask surely, he says is that a cop behind you, to use that expression and Mark looked around and said daddy is that a cop back there? And you know how children pick those th ...
I don't know how many of you are interested in child rearing, but maybe you're interested in children, so I'll try to talk about children since not to many of you here, not to many children today for some reason. Maybe those who need the sermon won't be here, but I want to make it a sermon t ...
How is Satan going to be able to deceive the world so that it will not recognize Jesus Christ at His return? Why will the world actually think, when Jesus Christ returns, that He is the Antichrist rather than the real Christ? Satan is a very, very clever deceiver, and Satan is going to be deceiving ...
Christ Will Rule Herbert W Armstrong - October 11, 1984 - Feast of Tabernacles
We are here, on the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles 1984, to sort of have a foretaste of that time described in your Bible (in Revelation 11 and verse 15) when all the governments, and kingdoms, nations of this world will have become the kingdoms of our Lord and His Christ. They will no longer ...
Well as the saying goes in showbiz, that's quite an act to follow, those were certainty, lovely, adorable children who gave their 100% best to provide the special music on this Youth Day and as I'm sure all of you have noticed we do have the youth of different ages serving today as Ushers and pa ...
Church Government Herbert W Armstrong - October 7, 1955 - Feast of Tabernacles
Before the message this morning, I feel I should say one thing. It generally is not regarded as proper to applaud a sacred song. I know we appreciate your attitude and spirit in doing it. And I'm sure the singers do, and it's quite all right to applaud something of a secular nature like we were ...
The subject of the Feast of Tabernacles and the worship of God is one that has been so maligned and mixed up and confused that I sometimes marvel, I wonder how the truth of God can be so plain on the one hand and so destroyed and muddied, confused by lies and by untruths and by just a little bit of ...
Coming Out of Sin Herbert W Armstrong - April 12, 1985 - Unleavened Bread
Do we really understand why we keep them? And do we understand this particular festival of the Feast of Unleavened Bread thoroughly? You know, we have an entirely different situation today than they did in the days of Jesus and the first original, first century, apostles. I think that we have heard ...
Good afternoon everyone; thank you for that beautiful music, that's the second time that I've spoken now, that they've played that same music, the name of it [inaudible], the name of it I don't know if their trying to tell me something. My daughter was drawing yesterday, last evening, she dr ...
Don't just assume that just because we come here on the Sabbath we're converted, if we've been baptized, now we know of course that we do have a certain number in the Church who've never been baptized and not taken that step yet and they understand, they realize that they don't yet have Go ...
Conversion Richard F Ames - October 2, 1980 - Last Great Day
Just imagine what it's going to be like with 144,000 singing. We really are experiencing a foretaste of the World Tomorrow. There are those who have their own battles to fight, and yet that's a part of the Christian life. Today is the Last Great Day, and it is picturing the completion of the fes ...
Nice to see you all; this sermon this morning I want to, as it were, take you on a ride with me to lift us above our hum-drum lives, to lift us above our little trials and our little problems. Let me ask you a question, how many of you do not have any trials or any problems at the moment? Can I have ...
Well good morning to all of you, rather surprised to be able to be here today, I didn't realize that I might have this opportunity till I think it was Thursday, Thursday or Friday I'm not sure which when I had a call from Mr. Waterhouse and since he was going to be out of town, he asked if I wou ...
Christ set an example of courage and of character which is in fact a characteristic of God and has been a characteristic of those who fear God and who emulate Him. Proverbs chapter 28 verse 1 is very compelling command or instruction Proverbs chapter 28 and verse 1 says; "The wicked flees when ...
I too was watching for a couple minutes as Columbia landed today and as Mr. May was talking about, there were a number of people, a great team responsible for what happened today, in the last couple of days even though it wasn't as successful in terms of the time it was able to spend in outer spac ...