Well greetings brethren, it's a real pleasure to have the opportunity to be able to speak to you today. I would like to focus our attention on something that is on the minds of an awful lot of people. What is it that really leads to happiness and success? You know there has been all sorts of books ...
Blessings John Richard Seiver - September 20, 1979
Well, good morning, brethren. I imagine that all of you thank God every day for all of His wonderful blessings. I know I do. It just sort of pops out. I don't seem to think about exactly what I'm saying when I say it - it's just one of those things. It seems like we ought to thank God for when ...
Well, greetings everybody once again. It's nice to be back at Bricket Wood. I might just say that about a week ago we did have a wonderful turnout over in Jerusalem; and I was able to speak about 25 minutes to the top people of the nation Israel - members of the Knesset, members of the Cabinet, Su ...
Now we saw in Florida... A couple of months ago, a man who was executed. The name of John Spenkelink. He was the first man to be executed in Florida against his will. Many people protested and felt that he shouldn't have been, but it's cruel, inhumane for a man to die by the hands of men under w ...
Well good afternoon again it's really nice to be here. You know brethren if we look around in the world in which we live and we see so many things that are going on in the world scene we see events that are shaping up in Europe, you see just this past week, just in the last few days a familiar fac ...
Jesus said, in Matthew 16:18 I will build my church, and the gates of hell [which should be translated "the gates of the grave." That's what He meant. And the word "hell" there is Hades, which simply means the grave. It doesn't mean the kind of hell that Dante thought it mean ...
We came here from different parts of Europe and from the United States. You know you can come to a place like this or any part of the world where we see a congregation of God's people and you find the same spirit. You find unity and harmony. The world and the nations of the world have been trying ...
You know, a few years ago, I gave a sermon on the Kingdom of God. And I explained in that sermon basically how we're going to become gods, how we're going to rule the world tomorrow, the fact that we are going to be kings and priests. And I sat down after giving that sermon and I sort of patted ...
Well greetings brethren, it's really good to have this opportunity to speak to all of you. The times we're living I think we all understand are not simply normal, average, ordinary times. We have gone through during the course of the twentieth century events that have built to the point of setti ...
Today's Pentecost, as you very well know from this morning's service, which I understand was very well explained and expounded to you. I suspect scriptures such as James 1 were mentioned, but let's just turn there again briefly and be reminded of the fact that we are God's firstfruits. There ...
The one thing we need to always keep our mind on and never lose sight, that is never look below God in Christ, because if you look to men you can get caught up. And that's usually the problem when most people don't see God and Christ in charge of their work. And that those two individuals know e ...
Challenged Herbert W Armstrong - April 19, 1981 - Unleavened Bread
When I was challenged fifty-four years ago, fifty-four and a half years ago now, and I didn't know very much about the Bible up to that time. I'd been brought up in a respectable Sunday school and church. All I knew was, I thought I knew that there is a God and I thought I knew that, well they t ...
Well good morning everyone; good to be here in Portland. It's a beautiful day today. I hope that I have the opportunity to meet almost everyone today in our visit out here. I'd like to start out with a little story. A women went to a Marriage Counselor about getting a divorce. The Marriage Couns ...
Character Flaws Arthur W Docken - October 11, 1979 - Feast of Tabernacles
The special music this morning was especially touching. I felt the first number, "All My Trials, Lord, Soon Be Over," an old Negro spiritual. That came out of agony and misery, came out of slavery, and came from the heart of a people that look forward to freedom. Look forward to a day when things wo ...
Good afternoon everybody. I hope you're enjoying this beautiful weather. I've talked to some of our ministers back in the East this past week. They were telling me it was 0 degrees or 10 degrees or some other abominable figure. And I also received a report from one of our ministers who said in h ...