
Listen to  Avoid Leaven - Eat Unleavened Avoid Leaven - Eat Unleavened
John H Ogwyn - March 17, 2000 - Unleavened Bread

Brethren, we're of course rapidly approaching the Spring Festivals, we're 3 weeks away from the Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread. Sort of interesting that there is an interesting parallel in terms of the way God starts the Festival Seasons and the way He concludes the Festival Season. W ...

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Listen to  Babylon In Prophecy Babylon In Prophecy
John H Ogwyn - September 30, 1989 - Trumpets

Last night was an anniversary it was in fact the two thousand five hundred twenty seventh anniversary of the fall of Babylon. Now, you may not initially see what that has to do with Feast of Trumpets, but in many ways what we are celebrating here today ties in very directly with an event that occurr ...

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Listen to  Babylon Is No Mystery Babylon Is No Mystery
Carl E McNair - July 8, 1995

You know life is just one long continuum it seems, it's not a closed circle. Life comes from pre-existing life and it seems that there is one constant thread and constant stream in every part, in every aspect of life, whatever it may be. The world of today is a continuation of a world which existe ...

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Listen to  Babylon Mother of Harlots - Part 1 Babylon Mother of Harlots - Part 1
Donald L Ward - 1981

What Do Bail, Babylon, Pharisees, Feminism, Sodomy, Abortion, and the New Morality Have in Common? They all have some common elements. Today, I want to begin, as I said, a series of sermons where we study Babylon, Mother of Harlots. Why should we want to look at that? Because many of the things that ...View Transcript

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Listen to  Babylon Mother of Harlots - Part 2 Babylon Mother of Harlots - Part 2
Donald L Ward - 1981

In Revelation chapter 17, there is a description given of a mystic woman called "Mystery Babylon the Great." In Revelation 17 and verse one (Revelation 17:1): "And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials and talked with me saying unto me, 'Come here, I will show unto you the j ...View Transcript

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Listen to  Babylon the Great Returning Babylon the Great Returning
Herman L Hoeh - September 22, 1979 - Trumpets

Presentation on this Holy Day. I checked and found that Mr. Raymond McNair is not scheduled to speak, and I was scheduled twice. And I want to say for any of you who might have had plans, I will be speaking this morning here. I've asked him to speak in my place, which is only proper at the auditor ...View Transcript

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Listen to  Back on Track Back on Track
Herbert W Armstrong - December 12, 1981

It has been almost a year since I have been here, around 11 months; and since then this Church has really been getting back on the track. At that time I said something about Satan being ready to strike at this Church, and he is always ready to strike at this Church. He wants to destroy this Church. ...View Transcript

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Listen to  Back to the Beginning, God and the Word Back to the Beginning, God and the Word
Herbert W Armstrong - September 22, 1984

Well greetings brethren. In a way it seems strange to me to be back here in Vancouver, Washington. I lived here for six months in 1924, and the modern era of the work - the Church of God - was started in a sense, in Portland just across the river; and all of you who are here now, directly or indirec ...View Transcript

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Listen to  Baptism Baptism
Herman L Hoeh - 1981

Perhaps I should wish you all good morning from Mr. Guy Ames, since he sometimes has corresponded on other matters and he's no longer with the congregation here, but in the Philippines. I would like to mention also that from time to time we do receive letters from the students who are on the ACEPT ...View Transcript

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Listen to  Beast of Revelation And Daniel Beast of Revelation And Daniel
Vincent Panella - 1980

The author, Bruce Barson, who's speaking of the Bible referred to it as "the book nobody knows." Now, that's not so outlandish, for Satan. There are not too many people who know a great deal about the Bible. The Bible seems to be filled with symbolism and mysticism, and out of the Bible, it seem ...View Transcript

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Listen to  Beatitudes Beatitudes
Michael V Swagerty

…Bible. Somebody thinks they're going to get tricked, I take it. Well, you're a very smart audience because you hear the word "Beatitudes" spoken of quite often. It's a very small section of Scripture in a very famous place of the Bible called the Sermon on the Mount. Now you can go to anybody ...View Transcript

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Listen to  Become Selfless Become Selfless
Carl E McNair - September 23, 2000

My subject today is on selfishness and self-will, I think there's no personal attribute that is more corrosive and destructive, more completely sinful than selfishness and self-will. Selfishness corrodes attitudes and destroys relationships. People who are criminal, people who are sinners by their ...

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Listen to  Bible Like a Jigsaw Puzzle Bible Like a Jigsaw Puzzle
Herbert W Armstrong - July 4, 1981

Now I have been speaking the last several times I've been here, and in other Churches also, going right back to the beginning in the Garden of Eden. God has been revealing new truth to us. It's not new truth. It's truth that's been new for a long, long time. But God's truth is always new, ...View Transcript

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Listen to  Biblical Mistranslations Biblical Mistranslations
Dean C Blackwell

The Day of Pentecost, the third time a verse in Acts 2 that's been heard here, a couple of times before. I'd like to have you turn there, though, and correct an incorrect secretive, hidden away—deliberate attempts to get away from God's Holy Days. If you can imagine some of the teachings of th ...View Transcript

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Listen to  Bitterness Bitterness
Don Waterhouse - 1978

Good morning to everybody. It's always good to be back in Houston. What common English word would you think of to define some of the following statements? I have four or five of them here. Try to think of a word that you read on occasions in the Bible. Some of you may even use this word on occasio ...View Transcript

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