
Listen to  Jerusalem Peace Park Jerusalem Peace Park
Herbert W Armstrong - May 13, 1978

Well greetings everybody; once again this afternoon and to all of you people up in Canada listening at Vancouver, British Columbia and all of you over in Big Sandy, Texas. I didn't know you were listening last night, but now I'm informed that you were and I'm so happy to be back once again on ...

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Listen to  Jews in Prophecy Jews in Prophecy
Carn A Catherwood - November 1, 1980

Because of TV and the marvels of mass-communication millions of people have had their attention focused quite often on the problems and the upheavals and the commerce of a people that we collectively call the Jews. Most of you have met a Jew at one time or another in your life, maybe you've met ma ...

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Listen to  Job Job
John Richard Seiver - December 1, 1979

Jesus Christ while living His life in the flesh suffered many things, why? He was God, manifest, He lived a life free from sin, a life which is supposed to be happy, and prosperous, fulfilling, abundant, certainly a life which most of us feel should certainly not warrant any reason to suffer. Isn' ...

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Listen to  Job - Part 1 Job - Part 1
Hal W Baird Jr

Well, there's a book in the Bible that has brought a lot of controversy with a lot of people, a lot of people just cannot understand it and it's a very interesting book because it has a lot of very, very good information in it, and it's a book called the Book of Job. Many people have been baff ...

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Listen to  Job - Part 2 Job - Part 2
Hal W Baird Jr

Now then let's go back to Job the 27th chapter again and let's notice a few things here about Job and then we will begin to find out some of Job's problems. Here in Job 27 and let's pick it up in verse 1 (Job 27:1), and here is Job is talking to his 3 friends after they had been accusing him ...

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Listen to  Joseph's Sons Joseph's Sons
Ronald D Kelly - October 16, 1984 - Feast of Tabernacles

It has unfortunately been at times here in Australia where we've had to go into and out of our areas very quickly, well when we were privileged to be told we would be coming down we had to make a decision whether to come to just one or two places and stay longer or see as much as we could and not ...

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Listen to  Judgement & Mercy Judgement & Mercy
John H Ogwyn

There is a particular theme that comes to mind as we look at the fall festivals, a theme that is broader and encompasses more than sometimes we think of it. So often when we mention the term judgment people think in terms simply of a sentencing and yet judgment involves much more than just passing a ...

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Listen to  Judgement, Mercy and Faith Judgement, Mercy and Faith
Donald L Ward - 1978

Good afternoon everyone; someone recently asked me, "Why is it those who appear to be the most spiritual often have the least amount of spiritual understanding?" I responded, "It is the story of the ages, from Satan in the garden of Eden to the Scribes and Pharisees in Christ's time to the present ...

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Listen to  Judging Judging
Ronald W Laughland - August 14, 1984

Whenever you start to understand government and doing what God requires of you it becomes so simple, it becomes so easy. The Church of God here in Acia is not run the way I want it run, it's run the way Mr. Armstrong wants it run, it's run the way Jesus Christ wants it to run, it's run the way ...

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Listen to  Judgment Judgment
John H Ogwyn - February 16, 1980

What is your concept of Judgment, do you think about like the Old West concept you know the old hanging Judge, like a Judge Roy Bean, you know that he, what was it, the Jersey Lilly his salon there that opened doubled as a court room, with a sign up there Judge Roy Bean, Wild West of the pay coats a ...

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Listen to  Keep On, Keeping On Keep On, Keeping On
Reinhold Fuessel - December 29, 1979

How does God work with human, or the message? You know I like to understand how things work, if I get the opportunity in terms of visiting with people in the Church area, I love to visit a man on his job and see what he does for a living, a livelihood, I walk around with him for an hour or so at his ...

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Listen to  Keep Your Eyes On Christ Keep Your Eyes On Christ
Herbert W Armstrong - 1981

Brethren after speaking here on last Sabbath I spoke to a group of virtually 3,000 or 2,800 of our people up at Stockton on the day of Pentecost which was the next day or last Sunday and on next Sabbath, God willing, I hope to be speaking to a still larger group of our brethren and they expect about ...

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Listen to  Keeping God's Sign Holy Keeping God's Sign Holy
John H Ogwyn - 1983

A couple of weeks ago we went through and focused on the mark of the Beast on Satan's plan of disobedience and mark of disobedience a mark that makes a clear distinction between those who obey and keep the commandments of God, and those who do not. We focused from that stand point on a negative as ...

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Listen to  Keeping Up With The Times Keeping Up With The Times
William C Bradford - 1980

The specific prophecies in the Bible that are going to be fulfilled, I think it's time that we examine our lives and see if we are keeping up with the times. Very important that we keep up with the times, not at the sense that the world may keeps up with the times, because the world keeps up with ...

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Listen to  Kidnapped Kidnapped
Herbert W Armstrong - September 29, 1983 - Last Great Day

Well, brethren, what a wonderful and rare thing it is to be able to have the modern facilities we do. I wonder what the early apostles and the early church of the first century would think if they could see the types of facilities, the technology that has been developed, and the things that we have ...View Transcript

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