The Handwriting Is on the Wall: Over two millennia ago, during the twilight of the Neo-Babylonian Empire, a series of strange events changed the course of history. King Belshazzar held a mammoth banquet and invited all of his subordinate rulers to attend (Dan. 5:1). During the festivities, Belshazza ...
Parents are increasingly neglecting their most important responsibility, often with tragic results. It is time to take a closer look at this important subject, for the youth of today are the adults of tomorrow. Never have our young people had more leisure time, better food, better education, or more ...
Millions have been asked this question - never realizing that the question itself can be totally MISLEADING! Did you know that millions who think they are "under grace" are actually "under the law" - and don't know it! "FOR by GRACE are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves; it is the ...
Do you need help in overcoming unhappiness and frustration? In this article, the Professor of Psychology in Ambassador College helps you to better understand these human characteristics - and what to do about them. DO YOU have difficulty in dealing with other people? Do others oppress you? Do you wi ...
"It's going against everything I believe in, but there's still this thought in my mind that it's going to happen, sooner or later..." The letter was from an attractive teenage girl, a subscriber of Youth 85. In spite of the pressures of her friends at school, the permissive society w ...
In popular usage the chilling words "battle of Armageddon" convey a grisly apocalyptic scenario of end-time military mayhem. Yet the term "Armageddon" is mentioned only once in the entire Bible. What is the truth about these terrifying words? The skeptic claims: "The apostle John was merely a drug-d ...
Do the stars and planets have a mysterious influence on human destiny? Is astrology science or myth? Can astrology really predict man's character, his love life, business deals, forming, even surgical operations? "THIS IS the dawning of the age of Aquarius," the popular song went. The song t ...
When we think of the places where the events of the Bible took place, we usually picture Bethlehem, Nazareth, Galilee, maybe Egypt, and of course Jerusalem. But much of the Bible took place in a land hundreds of miles away from these places. It is known as Mesopotamia, "the land between the riv ...
Having trouble with your neighbors? WHY? This will show you the REASON, and give you a POSITIVE PLAN to guide you in living the happy, abundant, and exemplary life that God intended. ENRAGED at the evangelists, the furious bloodthirsty mob brought them to the city officials crying, "THESE THAT HAVE ...
Each month thousands of readers learn new truths from Ambassador College publications. But in their zeal, many have made the mistake of trying to "convert" others to their newfound way of life, Read this article and learn how to avoid alienating your friends and family as you learn more of God's W ...
Repentance - What It Really Is: What does it mean to really repent? How can you know your repentance is genuine? The Baptisms of the Bible: What does Baptism mean? Did you know there is more than one kind of baptism in the Bible? How You Can Bear the Fruit of the Spirit: Part two It is imperative th ...
The beginnings of potentially prolonged and disastrous droughts are already here. WORLDWIDE, governments and weather officials are alarmed. They warn that if drought continues just one more year over large areas of North America, Africa and other continents, scores of millions will experience severe ...
As the "have" nations grow richer, their national state of health grows poorer. Persons in less developed areas with a simpler life often experience comparatively better health - even with inferior medical facilities. The difference is often diet. Read in this article the disastrous result ...
Every normal human being wants to be warm, well-fed, comfortable, protected and loved. We all want to live in an understanding, warm, charitable, protective environment. The family unit ought to be just such an environment. But, instead of being a haven for our young people - a place of sanctuary, w ...
This booklet contains articles on several facets of family life. It is not intended to be a complete guide to solving marital and child-rearing problems, and it does not cover all aspects of the family. However, it is hoped that this material will make the reader more aware of the vital importance o ...