THE PLAIN TRUTH Not Just Another Magazine! THE PLAIN TRUTH Not Just Another Magazine!
Clayton D Steep  -  Plain Truth   -  May 1983

Problems? Mankind has many. And few people need to be reminded of them. How, then, does The Plain Truth differ? By pointing out the causes of-and the solutions to!- this troubled world. You want to know about a crisis or tragedy on the world scene? You want a description of the problems humanity is ...

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Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Good News   -  April 1961

The greatest Passover since apostolic days is just ahead! Last year, some brethren "forgot" this commanded assembly! STUDY this article - and REMEMBER the Passover! "LET me color this one, Mommy!" said little Mary, holding a hard-boiled egg in her tiny little hand. "Mommy" was busily preparing ...

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Is Today's Week God's Week? Is Today's Week God's Week?
C Paul Meredith  -  Plain Truth   -  October 1954

Why does a Christian-professing civilization use a week named after pagan deities? What is its origin? When did the Church adopt it? SYNOPSIS: We take "time" for granted - yet we measure it with days named after pagan deities. Why? Our civilization is filled with pagan customs and supersti ...

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Greatest FEAST in Centuries! Greatest FEAST in Centuries!
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Good News   -  November 1957

About 2,800 of God's people - the largest number in many hundreds of years - heard dynamic, inspired messages from God's servants during the wonderful Feast of Tabernacles. Especially for you brethren of the Church who were unable to attend, we bring you this report of those eight joyous days! G ...

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David Jon Hill  -  Plain Truth   -  January 1978

Here we are again with another new year. Festivity. Resolutions. Predictions. Income tax around the comer. What will happen-let's say over the next ten years? Nobody knows the future for sure, but there are some good guesses that can be made putting together present trends and biblical prophecy. T ...

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What REALLY Caused the Los Angeles Race Riots? What REALLY Caused the Los Angeles Race Riots?
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  September 1965

"KILL 'EM! KILL 'EM!" they screamed, and kill they did until 37 lay dead and property damage ran into the millions of dollars in Los Angeles last August 12 through 17. BUT WHY? Officials accuse each other. Negroes accuse police. It is time you know the REAL CAUSE of race riots and what ...

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Raymond F McNair  -  Plain Truth   -  January 1974

Raymond F. McNair lived for fifteen years in Britain where he served as a regional editor of The Plain Truth. During that time, he traveled widely throughout the Commonwealth. At the latest Commonwealth Conference in Ottawa, Canada - the fourth he has attended - Mr. McNair was privileged to meet the ...

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Just What Do You Mean - A CULT? Just What Do You Mean - A CULT?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  August 1980

The Worldwide Church of God is not a "cult"! It is the present generation continuing the Church of God founded A.D. 31 by Jesus Christ. Here are the facts. A prominent Baptist minister recently said, "If the Worldwide Church of God is a cult, then we Baptists were a cult during the ea ...

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Herman L Hoeh  -  Good News   -  January 1958

Last July two more of our ministers viewed the mysterious ruins of Petra. Their trip opened up important facts about Petra that will surprise you! SIX MONTHS ago, on a hot July day, Dr. Meredith and I found the door to Petra suddenly opened to us. We had been notified upon our arrival in Syria that ...

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Why No Why No "Peace on Earth"?
William R Whikehart  -  Plain Truth   -  December 1972

It's a beautiful message: "Peace on earth, goodwill toward men. I Here is why man has never been able to make it come true - and how it will be brought to earth in our time! Spring weather doesn't usually come to Washington, D.C. until about mid-April. And Friday, March 27, 1970 was no exce ...

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Why AMERICA Is Cursed! Why AMERICA Is Cursed!
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Good News   -  November 1957

Here is the startling significance of the Book of Deuteronomy for us today. AMERICA has strayed so far away from her God that she does not realize what blessings could be hers if she served Him, and what doom is soon to strike because she rejects Him, while professing to worship Him! The nation toda ...

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PROPHESIED TO HAPPEN to the United States and Britain! - Installment 8 PROPHESIED TO HAPPEN to the United States and Britain! - Installment 8
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  October 1954

The United States, the British Commonwealth and the democracies of Northwestern Europe are plainly identified in Bible prophecy! YOU can thus know in advance the shocking turn of world events which soon will STAGGER our peoples! This is the eighth installment of Mr. Armstrong's forthcoming book. S ...

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Personal from the Editor Personal from the Editor
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  September 1964

Personal from Herbert W Armstrong - THIS is written at sea, in mid-Atlantic, on the giant steamer UNITED STATES. Mrs. Armstrong had been "enjoying" her usual sea sickness the first two days of the voyage. She still did not feel quite up to the walk to the dining room, last night, for dinne ...

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UPDATE: THE GOSPEL TO THE WORLD, Whirlwind Activity Winds up the Year UPDATE: THE GOSPEL TO THE WORLD, Whirlwind Activity Winds up the Year
Brian Knowles  -  Good News   -  April 1975

For Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong the closing months of 1974 were quite busy - and profitable. Old friends were revisited and new friends and contacts were established in a series of meetings in the Middle East and the Far East. After observing the Feast of Tabernacles with the Church membership ...

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THE PHILIPPINES a nation in crisis THE PHILIPPINES a nation in crisis
Richard C Peterson  -  Plain Truth   -  November 1973

You think only leaders of the big nations grapple with complex problems? Then consider the smaller nations and the challenges they face. Here is an inside look at one such nation in crisis - the Philippines. A political trend of deep significance is sweeping Southeast Asia. Nation after nation in th ...

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