Just one more thing: Teaching children money management Just one more thing: Teaching children money management
Dexter H Faulkner  -  Worldwide News   -  May 19, 1980

"Son, could you lend me 50 bucks?" This may not be an unusual request in these days of high inflation. After all, many teenagers are "in the money." It's comparatively new, this teenage affluence. My wife and I can remember the day when most young people had little money of the ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - October 27, 1972 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - October 27, 1972
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  October 27, 1972

I want to announce NEW and ENLARGED ACTIVITIES in this Great Work. It is the Work of the living God — and it is going forward in greater power now than ever before. We have been given the GREATEST COMMISSION ever delegated to human beings on this earth. I think we tend to lose sight of that fact — o ...

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Ascent to Greatness Ascent to Greatness  -  Chapter Four  -  Book I
Raymond F McNair  -  Reference Book   -  1976

When and how did the English first become interested in North America? Only five years after Columbus had discovered America, John Cabot — a Genoese navigator sailing in the name of Henry VIII of England — came to North America. He was, in fact, the first European to set foot upon the North American ...

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Questions & Answers Questions & Answers
Good News Staff  -  Good News   -  August 1975

QUESTION: "I would like the following question answered in your Q & A section as it has bothered me for quite some time. It concerns Galatians 6:6: 'Let him who receives instruction in the word of God share all good things with his teacher - contributing to his support.' Does this r ...

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Worldwide News May 14, 1973 Headlines Worldwide News May 14, 1973 Headlines
Worldwide News Staff  -  Worldwide News   -  May 14, 1973

Nation's college students face rising costs, less help - A Personal Letter from Garner Ted Armstrong - Regional directors meet in Pasadena for conference - 20 English grads to assume posts around the world - Some answers to your questions about The Worldwide News - M.D.s pronounce Arizona boy dead ...

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A Handbook of Church History A Handbook of Church History  -  Chapter V - Series: 1   
Dean C Blackwell  -  Ambassador College Thesis   -  1973

When Waldenses Began: From the New International Encyclopedia, article Waldenses: The name given to the followers of Peter Waldo and his successors in modern times. In modern times, there are two things you need to discern especially about the Waldenses. First, how old are they? Do they go all the w ...

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Prophecies of The End Time Prophecies of The End Time
Dean C Blackwell  -  Bible Study (Audio/Video)

Tonight I'd like to cover, I've had this opportunity over in Monroe and Alexander, Louisiana to conduct a couple of public Bible studies, this next Friday night and Saturday night I'm going to have, a week from Friday and Saturday, have a chance to cover the same thing up in Harrison, Arkansas ...

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Why Britain Is Now labeled Why Britain Is Now labeled "AN INTERNATIONAL PAUPER"
Raymond F McNair  -  Plain Truth   -  January 1968

November 1967 will go down in history as a very black month for Britain! First, De Gaulle blackballed Britain's second bid to enter the Common Market! Then, with equal suddenness, the pound sterling was devalued. Britons, now unsure of their future, ask: How will it all end? London. England. Brita ...

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Just one more thing: Senior brethren possess storehouse of knowledge Just one more thing: Senior brethren possess storehouse of knowledge
Dexter H Faulkner  -  Worldwide News   -  November 15, 1982

Solomon wrote in Proverbs: "Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding" (Proverbs 4:7, New King James Version, through out). Do you know what is one of the most overlooked sources of useful, practical wisdom in God's Church? The Bible ...

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How to Plan Your Meals How to Plan Your Meals
Good News Staff  -  Good News   -  January 1963

THE most important job every wife and mother has is that of feeding her family. Many women consider planning for these meals a tedious task and not worth the time. This is a big mistake. It has caused many families to be ill-fed and sickly. Meal planning can be fun and very rewarding. Why It Is Impo ...

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Carole Ritter  -  Plain Truth   -  January 1978

Fifteen percent of all Americans aged 18 to 74 suffer symptoms of serious depression. Depression has been called the "common cold" of mental illness, and some have even gone so far as to label it the "social disease of the seventies." Here's how you can take steps to avoid experiencing this debili ...

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Sign of Jonah and Christ's Messiahship Sign of Jonah and Christ's Messiahship
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast   -  May 31, 1979

How do you know, my friends, that Jesus Christ is the Messiah that was prophesied to come? If you were asked for absolute proof, what would you give? How could you prove that the Jesus of Nazareth was the Messiah? The Pharisees among the teachers of the Jews in the days when He was here would not ac ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - January 23, 1980 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - January 23, 1980
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  January 23, 1980

Suddenly we are in a different world! We are 23 days into the NEW DECADE OF THE 80s! This decade was born in TURMOIL! Suddenly it's a different world! To use a modern slang expression, "it's A WHOLE NEW BALL GAME!" The Russian military march through Afghanistan poses a threat to the wo ...

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Richard D Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  August 1952

Tuesday, June 24, 1952. London, England. Dear Friends: I would like to tell all of you a little about our trip abroad. As most of you who read the GOOD NEWS regularly know, Herman Hoeh and I are in Europe this summer doing research, gathering material for publication, and making preliminary plans fo ...

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Strategies for coping with INFLATION Strategies for coping with INFLATION
Jeff Calkins  -  Plain Truth   -  December 1976

The famous economist, Lord Keynes, when asked about the long-range effects of his policies, answered: "In the long run, we're all dead." Well, the long run is here now, and those of us who are still around have to live in a world of continually rising prices. This means the smart consumer wil ...

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