Total Surrender To God Total Surrender To God
Roderick C Meredith  -  Sermon   -  Feast of Tabernacles   -  October 2, 1977

Good to be with you here this morning, and thanks so many of you for coming the other night to the Bible Study. I think there was just a couple of thousand or maybe one thousand that were expected, but I believe we had over five thousand. The place was really crowded, so with that turnout, perhaps t ...

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Trouble Ahead in Europe Trouble Ahead in Europe
Roderick C Meredith  -  Plain Truth   -  November-December 1954

Prophecy is now being fulfilled in powder - keg Europe. It spells TROUBLE for our nation and YOU! Burgos, Spain. Is world peace just around the corner? Are our diplomats having success in their efforts to prevent WORLD WAR III? Here in Europe, the real answer is a decided no! There are at this momen ...

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TRUE TRUE "Christianity" Just What Is It?
Roderick C Meredith  -  Plain Truth   -  July 1961

You are living in one of the most awesome moments of human history. Apart from God, it might well mark the END of human history! President Kennedy stated in his inaugural address: "The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty ...

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Roderick C Meredith  -  Plain Truth   -  April 1962

What KIND of education is most important in this "space-age"? It does make a difference HOW our young people are educated! The two most powerful nations on earth - the U.S. and Russia - are in an EDUCATION race. But education for what? for peace, war, survival? What about you? Where are YO ...

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Roderick C Meredith  -  Pastor General's Report   -  January 30, 1979

The following summary of recent events was just given to me last night by our legal office. Better than anything I could personally write, it details the charges made vs. God's Work in the recent lawsuits, the falsity of the charges and the HARM that is being done through this gross miscarriag ...

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True Womanhood True Womanhood
Roderick C Meredith  -  Booklet   -  1973

Here is the booklet thousands of you have been anticipating! Here is the answer to what is missing in the lives of millions of women - and their husbands, children and society as a whole. THE SCENE was a beautiful semitropical garden - a veritable paradise. The young man in the picture seemed to hav ...

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True Womanhood True Womanhood
Roderick C Meredith  -  Booklet   -  1968

Here is the booklet thousands of you have been anticipating! Here is the answer to what is MISSING in the lives of millions of women - and their husbands, children and society as a whole. THE SCENE was a beautiful semi-tropical garden - a veritable paradise. The young man in the picture seemed to ha ...

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True WOMANHOOD - Is It a True WOMANHOOD - Is It a "Lost Cause"?
Roderick C Meredith  -  Plain Truth   -  November 1965

Here is the article thousands of you have been anticipating! Here is the answer to what is MISSING in the lives of millions of women - and their husbands, children and society as a whole. The scene was a beautiful semitropical garden - a veritable paradise. The young man in the picture seemed to hav ...

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TRUTH about TRUTH about "Speaking in Tongues"!
Roderick C Meredith  -  Plain Truth   -  July 1964

What is the meaning of the so-called "Charismatic Renewal" sweeping the churches today? Here is the shocking TRUTH about a fast-growing movement fooling thousands! "Something like a series of bolts of lightning went down my spine," confessed a Protestant minister. He was telling what happe ...

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Two New Churches! - Hundreds Baptized! Two New Churches! - Hundreds Baptized!
Roderick C Meredith  -  Good News   -  August 1961

Our greatest NEED is being fulfilled! More churches are starting. And many more ministerial candidates are gaining EXPERIENCE. JOYOUS news comes of the first Sabbath services in two new churches? On the Sabbath, July 8, the first services were held in Little Rock, Arkansas, and Memphis, Tennessee, f ...

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Unconverted Church Members? Unconverted Church Members?
Roderick C Meredith  -  Good News   -  January 1957

Sometimes even God's people need to be AWAKENED to their real spiritual state! Here, in this reprinted article, is revealed the SHOCKING condition many of you are in. PAINFUL AS it may be, much as we hate to admit it. God's ministers have come to realize that there are many individuals physicall ...

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Unconverted Church Members? Unconverted Church Members?
Roderick C Meredith  -  Good News   -  January 1955

Sometimes even God's people need to be AWAKENED to their real spiritual state! Here is revealed the SHOCKING condition many of you are in. PAINFUL AS it may be, much as we hate to admit it, God's ministers have come to realize that there are many individuals physically not of God's people who ...

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Unprecedented Growth - Twelve Men Ordained on Two Continents! Unprecedented Growth - Twelve Men Ordained on Two Continents!
Roderick C Meredith  -  Good News   -  June 1963

Here's wonderful news of GROWTH in God's ministry - of THREE MORE new Churches - an Australian baptizing tour. HERE'S SOME NEWS to REJOICE in! This past Sabbath, May 25, we had the largest ordination services in this era of God's Church! We didn't plan it that way, but when the ordinations ...

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Vital Vital "Keys" to Success in PRAYER
Roderick C Meredith  -  Plain Truth   -  November 1964

Do you really get ANSWERS when you pray? Do you know WHY and HOW you should pray? There is a REAL God who sits at the controls of this universe. He is an active, LIVING God. He controls all power, energies and forces! He sits on a magnificent throne overlooking a dazzlingly beautiful court like crys ...

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Vital Vital "Keys" to Success in PRAYER
Roderick C Meredith  -  Plain Truth   -  February 1979

Do you really get answers when you pray? Do you know why and how you should pray? There is a real God who sits at the controls of this universe. He is an active, living God. He controls all power, energies and forces! He sits on a magnificent throne overlooking a dazzlingly beautiful court like crys ...

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