The Plain Truth about the PROTESTANT Reformation - Part IX The Plain Truth about the PROTESTANT Reformation - Part IX
Roderick C Meredith  -  Plain Truth   -  March 1959

Was the Reformation a return to the TRUTH preached by Jesus Christ? This series of articles contains startling FACTS which you need to consider! PART IX. Millions of books, pamphlets and tracts boldly proclaim as the Protestant foundation: "The BIBLE, the whole Bible, and nothing but the Bible, ...

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The Plain Truth about the PROTESTANT Reformation - Part V The Plain Truth about the PROTESTANT Reformation - Part V
Roderick C Meredith  -  Plain Truth   -  November 1958

Was the Protestant movement a sincere attempt to restore New Testament Christianity? Do the "fruits" show that it was motivated and guided by God's Spirit? Read the startling TRUTH in this fifth installment of the series of articles based on Mr. Meredith's eye-opening book! We have alr ...

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The Plain Truth about the PROTESTANT Reformation - Part VI The Plain Truth about the PROTESTANT Reformation - Part VI
Roderick C Meredith  -  Plain Truth   -  December 1958

Did the Protestant reformers bring about a return to pure New Testament Christianity? Were the reformers led by God's Holy Spirit? The TRUTH contained in this series is astonishing. PART VI. Shocking and sobering truths have come to light in this series. We have learned that "Christendom" has ...

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The Plain Truth about the PROTESTANT Reformation - Part VII The Plain Truth about the PROTESTANT Reformation - Part VII
Roderick C Meredith  -  Plain Truth   -  January 1959

Did the early Reformers actually return to the "faith once delivered to the saints"? Here is startling TRUTH about the beginnings of modern Protestantism! In this shocking series of articles, we have learned from the Bible and the record of history how paganism early came into the professi ...

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The Plain Truth about the PROTESTANT Reformation - Part VIII The Plain Truth about the PROTESTANT Reformation - Part VIII
Roderick C Meredith  -  Plain Truth   -  February 1959

Did the Protestant reformers get back to the "faith once delivered"? Were they led by God's Holy Spirit? The naked FACTS in this series of articles are a revelation of long-hidden truth! The startling fact that rank paganism came in and took over the early professing Christian church is ...

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The Plain Truth about the PROTESTANT Reformation - Part X The Plain Truth about the PROTESTANT Reformation - Part X
Roderick C Meredith  -  Plain Truth   -  April 1959

Did the Protestant reformers lead their followers back to the "faith once delivered"? Read the shocking RESULTS of their activities in this revealing series based on Mr. Meredith's forthcoming book. PART X. Startling though it seems, most of us have never really proved why we believe the thin ...

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The Plain Truth about the PROTESTANT Reformation - Part XI The Plain Truth about the PROTESTANT Reformation - Part XI
Roderick C Meredith  -  Plain Truth   -  May 1959

The naked TRUTH is being laid bare! This shocking but fully documented series now concludes with an analysis of the real MEANING of the Reformation - and a hint of its true impact on modern religious thought, and on YOU! PART XI. There is a basic but little understood REASON for the pitiful state of ...

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The Plain Truth PROTESTANT about the Reformation - Part III The Plain Truth PROTESTANT about the Reformation - Part III
Roderick C Meredith  -  Plain Truth   -  September 1958

Was the Protestant revolt a purely religious movement? Was it a sincere attempt to "reform" the Church which Jesus built? Here are astounding FACTS in this third of the series of articles based on Mr. Meredith's eye-opening book! The first two installments in this series revealed the sta ...

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THE PLAIN TRUTH Still Ahead of Its Time THE PLAIN TRUTH Still Ahead of Its Time
Roderick C Meredith  -  Plain Truth   -  December 1980

Here is an account of one who spoke, in advance, the big events of the past 30 years and warns now of the frightening scenario heralding the end of Western civilization as we know it and reveals Who will usher in the glorious World Tomorrow! The early 1980s have been called the most dangerous period ...

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The Power of Prayer The Power of Prayer
Roderick C Meredith  -  Tomorrow's World   -  August 1969

Why aren't your prayers ANSWERED? Do you know HOW to pray? Here are facts you need to understand! When you are sick or in trouble, you may pray about it. But do you have the faith and the understanding to leave it completely in God's hands - to absolutely know that He will deliver His children f ...

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The POWER of Prayer The POWER of Prayer
Roderick C Meredith  -  Plain Truth   -  July 1956

Why aren't your prayers ANSWERED? Do you know HOW to pray? Here are facts you need to understand! She didn't want to die! She had hoped the doctors could help - but they only shook their heads sadly and stared at the floor. They could give her a few more months perhaps but that was all. Why woul ...

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The POWER of Prayer The POWER of Prayer
Roderick C Meredith  -  Special Topics   -  1970

Why aren't your prayers ANSWERED? Do you know HOW to pray? Here are facts you need to understand! WHEN you are sick or in trouble, you may pray about it. But do you have the faith and the understanding to leave it completely in God's hands - to absolutely know that He will deliver His children f ...

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The Prophesied The Prophesied "BEAST" Looms Up!
Roderick C Meredith  -  Plain Truth   -  April 1957

The dramatic fulfillment of what has been prophesied in the pages of this magazine for over 20 years is NOW underway. Read these astonishing facts! London, England. Prophecy was fulfilled in a meeting I attended the other night here in London! Plans were made. A campaign was launched! As my wife and ...

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The REASON Behind Today's Religious Confusion! The REASON Behind Today's Religious Confusion!
Roderick C Meredith  -  Plain Truth   -  June 1959

Do you know WHY today's "Christianity" is so divided? Where is God's TRUTH being proclaimed? Read the startling answers in this important sequel to the series on the Reformation! Human annihilation is nearer than we think! In a world torn by strife and hatred, man has now devised sever ...

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The Religious Lie that is fooling millions! The Religious Lie that is fooling millions!
Roderick C Meredith  -  Plain Truth   -  March 1961

A monstrous LIE is being palmed off on professing Christianity. Following last month's article, here is the concluding installment exposing it - and revealing God's TRUTH on this vital subject! "I will not obey your God, even though you make me admit that He exists!" So closed Mr. Arms ...

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