Even if you are a faithful, believing Christian, you may go to hell! Many of your loved ones are right now in hell! But don't be alarmed. You probably have never heard the TRUTH about what "hell" really is - and where most ideas on the subject came from. Just what does the Bible teach ab ...
You've always heard that you'll go to heaven if you're "saved." And most have assumed that their loved ones have already "gone to heaven" when they died. But what does the Bible say? Is heaven really the "reward of the saved"? WHY, if the righteous go to heaven, d ...
THIS IS GOD SPEAKING... You and your family are seated around the dining table. Your RADIO is tuned to your regular entertainment program. Suddenly a great Voice thunders forth from your radio, "This is GOD SPEAKING. I interrupt your program to bring you one final warning! "It is TIME YOU ...
About one third of the Bible is prophecy, and most of that prophecy applies to our time, NOW - the world in which you live. In this lesson we begin a new series on Biblical prophecy which will explain additional remarkable KEY prophecies of the Bible, showing how they will apply to YOUR LIFE! WHAT I ...
NEARLY everyone has been taught that the Old Covenant was the ten commandment law, and that the New Covenant contains only grace and promises - but certainly no law! Hence, runs the argument, since the Old Covenant has been abolished, God's law has also been abolished. This teaching would lead you ...