The Common Idea of Hell. FIRST, let's notice the generally accepted common belief in our Western world about hell. Here's the terse and brief summation of this popular belief, from the "Encyclopedia Americana": "... As generally understood, hell is the abode of evil spirits; the i ...
ON BUSY street corners and especially in evangelistic campaigns, you hear ministers ask, "Brother, have you been 'born again'? Just believe, and give the preacher your hand and the Lord your heart, and you'll be a 'born again' child of God." But is that all there is to being &quo ...
IS OBEDIENCE TO THE TEN COMMANDMENTS NECESSARY TODAY? WOULD YOU like to be given eternal inheritance in the Kingdom of God? - and have ETERNAL LIFE so you could CLAIM this inheritance? "Yes, but what must I DO," you might ask, "to receive eternal life?" When the young rich man as ...
THE NEW COVENANT AND TESTAMENT. MOST professing Christians have assumed that God's law and His COVENANTS have nothing whatever to do with Jesus Christ and New Testament Christianity! No wonder so many can't understand why God promised to make a NEW Covenant; with whom the New Covenant will be ma ...
THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT IN ACTION! JESUS PROMISED HIS DISCIPLES: "Ye shall receive POWER, AFTER that the HOLY SPIRIT is come upon you" (Acts 1:8). What did Jesus mean by this statement? Is this the SAME POWER - the SAME SPIRIT - that resided in Christ and enabled Him to OBEY God PERFE ...