I have very recently returned from another Middle East visit. It was very profitable for the Work that God is doing through us. En route I stopped off in London, and spoke on the Sabbath, October 25th, to the brethren in the London area. There were more than 1,000 present, including a number who cam ...
Once or twice a year I like to send a personal letter to our subscribers of this very unusual MAGAZINE OF UNDERSTANDING. I write my "PERSONAL" page and articles for you every month. You are constantly in my thoughts. And right now I am deeply concerned about something that I want to write ...
I am writing this time from London. Today I had a luncheon and meeting with our ministers in southern and central England. I will speak to the combined churches in this area the day after tomorrow, and then we fly on to Cairo. There I have a private meeting set up with President Anwar Sadat on next ...
In place of a "Co-Worker letter" this month I am sending you all - in all parts of the world - a letter I have just written to our Brethren in AUSTRALIA. For the past two years I have been laboring very hard to be Christ's servant and apostle in SETTING GOD'S CHURCH BACK ON THE TRACK. The en ...
Last night I went to sleep thinking of you dear Brethren in Australia, praying for you. And I awakened thinking about you, and while you and your welfare in our common Lord and Savior Jesus Christ are on my mind, I sit down even before breakfast to write to you — lest other responsibilities and conc ...
The 1980 presidential election campaign is in full swing—and red-hot! On August 27 the candidates were DEBATING on HOW to debate! They accuse each other, promise what they think will win votes. But inflation and unemployment continue. World troubles escalate. Even the Soviet Union has serious troubl ...
Last night on TV Channel 4, Los Angeles, during the evening news, the newscaster held up, so the viewing audience could read the large-type headlines, my full-page ad. These full-page ads are appearing weekly in the Los Angeles Times, New York Times and other metropolitan newspapers over the United ...
Thank you for your support of God's Work during July! Your contribution receipt is enclosed. We have just received very encouraging reports of GROWTH from our overseas offices. Church attendance has increased 50% in Malasia, 40% in Zimbabwe (Rhodesia), 26% in New Zealand, and 21% in Germany! In ot ...
This letter is an UPDATE on world news in the light of biblical prophecy. The entire world picture has changed drastically since I last wrote all of you January 3rd. These events are going to affect YOUR LIFE, all of our lives! So let me bring you up to date. The most recent happening in rela- tion ...
Thank you for your support in proclaiming the TRUE GOSPEL Jesus brought to the world! A receipt for your recent contribution is enclosed. God's Work continues its GROWTH, reaching many new subscribers and listeners with Christ's Gospel as you and other loyal supporters faithfully supply the mean ...
Just WHERE is this world going to take you FROM HERE? The greatest Newscaster of all time said we can prognosticate tomorrow's weather, but, He asked, can we forecast what will happen to us in world events? On every TV news program they go to great lengths to describe TODAY'S weather, and foreca ...
Recently I wrote in The PLAIN TRUTH that we should prepare to adjust to a lower standard of living. I mentioned that the United States standard of living is much higher than in Britain, most European countries, Japan. I explained how this was largely due to U.S. manufacturers. In 1914, I wrote a mag ...
Now we are enthusiastically looking toward the first Feast of Tabernacles in the NEW DECADE OF THE EIGHTIES! It's a sobering thing to bear in mind that this could well be the very last decade in which we may attend this wonderful Festival prior to Christ's coming in supreme POWER and GLORY to es ...
The world this minute stands on the very brink of the FINAL NUCLEAR WORLD WAR! There has never yet been a nuclear war! It could ERASE ALL HUMAN LIFE FROM THIS PLANET! It won't happen. But we do need to know and UNDERSTAND the real GRAVITY of the world situation AT THIS MINUTE! For the past ten yea ...
Suddenly we are in a different world! We are 23 days into the NEW DECADE OF THE 80s! This decade was born in TURMOIL! Suddenly it's a different world! To use a modern slang expression, "it's A WHOLE NEW BALL GAME!" The Russian military march through Afghanistan poses a threat to the wo ...