Know The Answer?
Name the woman who was a judge of Israel?

Judges 4:4
Two's Company
Youth Magazine
July 1983
Volume: Vol. III No. 6
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Two's Company
Agnes Youngblood  

Snuggled in the new quilt her grandmother made for her, Anne slept peacefully in her bottom bunk. Suddenly, the overly cheerful voice of a disc jockey blared wake-up greetings from the radio alarm clock above her head. She reached to turn off her alarm, but then realized it was only 5 a.m. It was not time for her to get up. The uninterrupted broadcast screamed from her still-sleeping sister's radio. "Julie, wake up." Anne shouted over the music that had just replaced the voice. "Julie, it's time for you to get up." But Julie still lay asleep, unaffected by all the commotion. Anne craw led out of bed, turned off the radio, shook Julie awake and eagerly crawled back into her warm haven.

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Youth MagazineJuly 1983Vol. III No. 6