Know The Answer?
What am I: I am a place of safety for anyone who accidentally killed another. A person who caused an accidental death could take refuge within my walls, until he stood before the congregation on trial.
City of Refuge

Joshua 20

Just one more thing: Criticism can be constructively or destructivelyJust one more thing: Criticism can be constructively or destructively

She's overweight! He's too short! I don't like the way he runs the show! I could do a better job of that than she does! Why does he always preach so long? No one escapes criticism, especially managing editors. An old editor's law states when you publish a significant article and expect a large reader response, you'll get one letter telling you about a typographical error in the third paragraph. Writing is difficult because it relates closest of all to our ordinary experience. It bears the burden of the communication of ideas, whether the humdrum or the most exalted. Many a writer has struggled long with the shades of meanings of words, in despair of ever expressing exactly what is in his mind. And a critic is always sure to appear with precisely the word needed.

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Publication Date: May 05, 1980