May 01, 1954  
May 01, 1954 - Brethren & Co-Workers Letter
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Herbert W Armstrong 



Proclaim to the World the GOOD NEWS OF THE WORLD TOMORROW

BOX 111, Pasadena, California

Publishing: The PLAIN TRUTH a Magazine of UNDERSTANDING

May, 1954

Dear Friend and Co-Worker:

   It occurs to me that you may have questions you'd like to ask me — perhaps questions about the Bible — perhaps there are personal problems about which you need counsel. Perhaps you'd like to ask questions about this work, how it started, how it is carried on.

   Above all, surely you'd like to know more about God's true Church — the very Church Jesus said He would build, and of which He is the living HEAD. DID Christ build it? DID it survive? DOES it exist today?

   Every day I receive many letters asking such questions. I do my very best to get them answered, but they pile up on me, and in spite of my best efforts many go unanswered. Very few have any conception of the heavy load I have to carry.

   The very purpose of establishing Ambassador College was to provide called and trained ministers to aid me in this large and growing world-wide ministry. A number have been graduated during the past three years, and now I have a few fine young ministers, fully qualified and ordained, men I know from years of close personal association, and by the way God has already used them, are men called by Christ to His ministry. They are now experienced, and competent.

   It so happens that two of these ministers will be available during the next few weeks to visit some of our interested co-workers in their homes in the Los Angeles area. They are Roderick C. Meredith, and Raymond F. McNair. I'm sure you have read some of their inspiring articles in the PLAIN TRUTH.

   I would like to have one or both of these men call on you, get acquainted, and answer any questions you might wish to ask, provided you would like to have them call.

   So I am first writing you, to see whether you desire them to come. If you do, BE SURE to start right now jotting down on paper all the questions that come to mind you might wish to ask. You'll probably forget them if you don't. I am very happy to send these men as my personal representatives, and as the ministers and servants of Jesus Christ. I know you will enjoy knowing them.

   If you would like a call from one or both of these ministers, accompanied, perhaps, with one of our senior students or one of my own sons — please drop me a line in the enclosed self-addressed envelope. It probably would be most convenient for them to call in the evening — or on a Tuesday afternoon or a Sunday.

   One thing I want to emphasize. If these men call on you, you will not in any manner be pressured to "join" anything, or "give your heart to the Lord," or to do anything whatsoever. I'm sure you know that all such practice is contrary to the teaching of Christ and of the Bible, and we do not follow any such modern customs. If they call on you, they are coming to SERVE, and to MINISTER. and HELP, and for no other purpose. However, if God has revealed to you that this IS the true work of God, and you realize the need of a better understanding and closer relationship, it is important that you answer this letter.

   I am very grateful beyond words for your part, as a co-worker, in God's great work, and I hope that in this way we may be brought closer together.

Most sincerely,
Herbert W. Armstrong

Publication Date: May 01, 1954
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