December 08, 1959  
December 08, 1959 - Brethren & Co-Workers Letter
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Herbert W Armstrong 



Proclaim to the World the GOOD NEWS OF THE WORLD TOMORROW

Box 111, Pasadena, Calif. 91109

Publishing: The PLAIN TRUTH a Magazine of UNDERSTANDING

December 8, 1959

Dear Co-Workers with Christ:

   Here we are, in the most trying month of the year! And never before, it seems, have we faced such difficult problems.

   This is the month when most people forget all about CHRIST, whose birthday they suppose they are celebrating. Instead of generous free-will gifts for CHRIST and His most important activity on earth, people right now are in a generous spirit exchanging presents with themselves—and too often, as we all know to our sorrow, gifts the receivers don't want after they receive them!

   People little realize what the BIBLE says about the Christmas tree, with all its glittering gift-wrapped presents piled under it. They little realize how in the Bible GOD condemns this very thing—or else they are so deceived they wave it aside saying it makes no difference. Few seem to realize Christ was not born on, or anywhere near, December 25th! If you have not read it, write immediately for our eye-opening booklet, "The TRUTH About Christmas." This is the month when the giving ought to be for CHRIST and His work!

   Very seriously, I need your HELP and your earnest, prevailing PRAYERS very urgently right now!

   But if this is a difficult month of seemingly almost insurmountable problems, it also is the closing month of BY FAR the most God-blest year of this work. Never before has Christ opened so many new doors for the powerful proclaiming of His LAST MESSAGE for this age to so many millions, all around the earth! NEVER such growth in the power and scope of the work! NEVER before so many precious lives brought to repentance and conversion for God's glorious KINGDOM!

   This year God opened one of the two most powerful radio stations on earth—the 450,000-watt Radio Monte Carlo, with its two powerful short-wave stations beside—broadcasting twice a week, in both the Russian and English languages, directly into RUSSIA! This is the only station from the free world reaching into Russia which the Kremlin has not jammed! Our Message is allowed to go through!

   This year God opened up a whole new 30-acre college campus in England for the new AMBASSADOR COLLEGE U.K., Ltd., just 5 miles from the edge of London. We had to find larger office space for our London Office anyway. This marvelous purchase, at astonishing low price, fills both needs. The new college will open in England next fall.

   This year God opened up the pages of READER'S DIGEST to us—two full pages in the British edition—for publishing CHRIST'S true Gospel Message! In just the first two weeks after publication the first message brought 1,660 requests for further literature— and requests were still coming in hundreds a day!

   This year God opened up good, desirable, early night time on the national radio net-work SIX NIGHTS A WEEK, in Australia, and late November saw our new branch office opened in Sydney, staffed with two men who previously had managed our London office—and soon a third man is to be sent over to join them. This office receives all the requests for literature from listeners in Australia, the Philippines, and southeast Asia and China, where The WORLD TOMORROW is heard over the most powerful radio stations. Now listeners in that part of the world receive the booklets and The PLAIN TRUTH promptly.

   This year God has opened the doors of many radio stations in the United States—several of them among the nation's top- ranking super-power stations, such as WSM, and WCKY, and WFAA.

   These tremendous blessings from God—these evidences of His approval and blessing—do mean increasing financial PROBLEMS! As world conditions step up toward the grand-smash CLIMAX of world VIOLENCE, and the END of this world, God is stepping up the power of HIS WORK! He is simultaneously blessing His people—CHRIST'S CO-WORKERS—with financial prosperity. AND HE EXPECTS US ALL TO GIVE, GENEROUSLY, FOR HIS WORK ACCORDING AS HE HAS BLESSED AND PROSPERED US—beside paying our honest TITHES which BELONG TO HIM!

   Co-Workers, let us dedicate ourselves right now as Co-Workers together with CHRIST, as never before—for OUR PART in His work! Let each of us dedicate ourselves to sacrifice other things this coming year—to put the WORK OF CHRIST FIRST in our hearts and in our finances, not only RIGHT NOW in this difficult month, but throughout the coming year. It must be a still more successful year than 1959!

   I need your immediate HELP—remember the widow's mites count up, and help greatly, when that is all one has. But God's work also desperately needs the larger amounts into the hundreds and thousands from those whom God has blest so as to make such generous offerings possible. AND I NEED YOUR CONSTANT, HEART- RENDING, PREVAILING PRAYERS! I need your prayer for personal guidance, wisdom, health, and protection. Satan would destroy me in a second—if God allowed. I need your prayers personally—and constantly! We all need the continual prayers of one another. So, as I pray continually for YOU, remember to pray not only for me, but for all our fellow Co-Workers with Christ!

   THANK YOU! I know God is blessing you!

With sincere love, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong

Publication Date: December 08, 1959
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