May 21, 1962  
May 21, 1962 - Brethren & Co-Workers Letter
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Herbert W Armstrong 



Proclaim to the World the GOOD NEWS OF THE WORLD TOMORROW

Box 111, Pasadena, Calif. 91109

Publishing: The PLAIN TRUTH a Magazine of UNDERSTANDING

Written at AMBASSADOR COLLEGE Near London, England

May 21, 1962

Dear Co-Workers with Christ:

   You will soon be receiving the semi-annual letter, written today for the entire 400,000 subscribers to The Plain Truth. Both that letter, and this one, will be air-mailed to Pasadena, reprinted and mailed from there. You will be receiving that letter separately a little later.

   In it I am telling all our readers of The Plain Truth that VOLUME II of Mr. Basil Wolverton's The Bible Story book is now being printed, to be sent, as Volume I was last year, ABSOLUTELY FREE.

   Naturally you will want your copy—be sure to request it BY RETURN MAIL as soon as you receive the semi-annual letter (a coupon will be provided). I'm expecting another deluge of requests. The entire 100,000 copies may be gone in a very short time.

   I do want YOU, who have voluntarily become Co-Workers with me and WITH CHRIST, in His Work, to know this: Out of more than 400,000 people who will receive that letter, approximately 365,000 of them—a full 90% or more—have never been asked to send any money for this great Work. Probably almost that number have never sent a single penny—and have never been asked to do so. A few may have sent a dollar or two once or twice—but, unless they have sent offerings VOLUNTARILY at least TWICE in six months, they have received no request for contributions from us.

   But YOU are one of our precious inner family of CO-WORKERS. You have become so voluntarily. God has shown us, in His Word, that His ministers are to ask His own people to GIVE—to pay honest tithes—to contribute generous offerings, besides. Moses sent out a proclamation to God's people of his day, asking for contributions. The Apostle Paul did, in his day. But God's own ministers never have taken up collections or made request for contributions or financial support, FROM THE WORLD TO WHOM THEY ARE CARRYING GOD'S PRECIOUS GOSPEL!

   Jesus Christ commanded us to go to the world with His Gospel, but certainly not to BEG FROM the world. We are to GIVE TO, not BEG FROM the world. Christ's ministry is one of GIVING—of self- sacrifice by OURSELVES, that we may finance the GIVING of SPIRITUAL THINGS! It is a wonderful Work—a glorious privilege for US to have part in it.

   In order to GIVE this precious Gospel to the world—to MINISTER spiritually—we must have not only called, chosen, and consecrated ministers and helpers in many departments—but these dedicated and specially-chosen people must be properly EDUCATED, specially TRAINED, for specific functions in this great spiritual operation, now world-wide.

   That special training is given in our two Ambassador Colleges —at Pasadena, California, and at Bricket Wood, near London, England. What an astounding, marvelous transformation we have seen take place in HUNDREDS OF fine young men and women, in four short years at Ambassador College! This is the very VITAL NERVE CENTER of the entire great and fast-growing Work of God on earth.

   As the WORK grows, so must these colleges—and, or, new colleges be founded—like the one here in England, founded two years ago.

   Not only does it cost more and more, as God opens the door to more and more powerful radio stations around the world—not only does it cost continually more, as The Plain Truth grows and grows in circulation, now reaching more than a MILLION PEOPLE every month—and as the Correspondence Course adds more and more students—as every phase of the Work grows—but certain expansions are inevitable in our properties, buildings and facilities of our colleges.

   I wrote you a month or more ago that certain large blocks of property, within the area of the planned campus of the college in Pasadena, had suddenly gone on the market. These are properties we MUST acquire, when available, or the future of the college would be ruined. About four such properties have opened to us all at once.

   I can tell you now what one of them is—a large apartment building, right in the heart of our campus, directly across the street from our Library. This is seriously needed for student housing. This one building probably will house 75 additional men. It is signed, and in Escrow—and we have to raise larger than normal sums of money in the next thirty to ninety days to meet these vital commitments.

   Over here in England, work is proceeding on one additional office block, imperative for the continuance of sending out The Plain Truth, and other literature, and answering letters as well. In it will be the office of our directing minister for Britain and Europe, and offices for the men who answer letters—in English, and also in French and German, for the large mail now coming from France and Germany in response to the broadcasts in those languages in those countries in Europe.

   Work also is proceeding on the new Girls' Dormitory, and the new Dining Hall. These MUST be finished before the autumn term opens—or else we cannot accept ANY of the scores of additional students applying for admission over here for the next school year.

   We are now opening a new branch office in West Germany—at Dusseldorf. The Gospel of Christ is really MOVING hundreds of Germans to respond. We probably shall have to open a Paris office in June or July.

   GOD'S GREAT WORK CANNOT STOP! There is very SPECIAL financial pressure on our business offices just now. I have to ask you to take this SERIOUSLY—to PRAY EARNESTLY about it, that God will move on the hearts of more and more to supply this vital NEED. We especially need two or three LARGE loans of several thousand dollars each—if there are some who have such sums and feel they cannot GIVE such amounts at this time, but could LOAN large sums for one or more years. We should be glad, at this time, to consider loans of as much as $50,000 or $75,000 or more. If this is possible, write me at our Pasadena office.

   Brethren—Co-Workers with Christ—if we will all GET UNDER THIS BURDEN, really PUT OUR HEARTS IN OUR PRAYERS—even FAST and pray for the need of the Work—this suddenly-expanded need can be met.

   IT HAS TO BE MET! Let each do his own utmost, and then PRAY!

With love and gratitude, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong

Publication Date: May 21, 1962
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