Bible Study    -    58 Lesson Course
Lesson 24 - God Won't Accept You
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Lesson 24 - God Won't Accept You "Just as you are"!

58 Lesson:
Ambassador College Bible Correspondence Course

| 1968 20M670 | 1968 20M268 | 1961 365 | 1961 | 1960 |

Note: Per the February 4, 1983 Pastor General Report (page 2) under the heading: "Obsolete Correspondence Course Lessons 21-24"

[Short explanation] Lessons 21-24 of the 58-Lesson Course were published before God led Mr. Armstrong to the true understanding of the origin of "human nature." [End Short explanation]

They should not be studied and are here for reference only.

MILLIONS have heard the hue and cry of religion, "REPENT!" But what does it mean to "REPENT"? Somehow, the piteous bleatings of those urging the public to repent have sounded almost entirely NEGATIVE! Myriads seem to have the concept God desperately NEEDS something from them-that Jesus Christ is hurt, perplexed, wounded, terribly disappointed - all because "SINNERS" DON'T SEEM TO WANT TO BELIEVE in Him! But this is Satan's lie! GOD needs NOTHING from us - WE DESPERATELY NEED EVERYTHING FROM HIM! And never, not in the history of man's pilgrimage on this earth, has man so desperately been in need of God and His mercy! THE LESSON OF ALL HISTORY SHOUTS AT OUR HEEDLESS, RECKLESS, HELL-BENT GENERATION TO REPENT!

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58 Lesson - Test 6 for Lessons 21-24:
Revision: 1961

Publication Date: 1960
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