Bible Study    -    58 Lesson Course
Lesson 7 - Ending Your FINANCIAL Troubles
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Lesson 7 - Ending Your FINANCIAL Troubles

58 Lesson:
Ambassador College Bible Correspondence Course

| 1977 5272/8002 | 1972 100M173 | 1968 50M1269 | 1968 50M1068 | 1965 166 |
| 1955 665 | 1955 362 | 1955 |

THINK OF IT! - 1000 years of peace and prosperity, a happy new world in which nobody has any financial troubles. That is the coming UTOPIA - the wonderful World of Tomorrow! But why isn't there a utopia today? Why is there no one thing that plagues more people today than the constant worry of making ends meet - the constant round of serious financial difficulties in which MANY of you find yourselves? Let us UNDERSTAND! - there is a reason, a CAUSE for it!

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Note: Bible Study 58 - Lesson 7 - Test are supplied at the end of the 8th Lesson for Lesson 7 - 1955 Revision 665

Publication Date: 1955 665
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